New look New me

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    Omfg! Lucy, Tom just kissed me and asked me out!! I'M IN GIRL PARADISE! I need a makeover for the dance and for him and, for just everything! I said. Woah pony, I'll help you this time, she answered. So we went to last two periods and thought about options for the new Kathy Hanna. Ring! Ring! That's the bell, it's now time to go home and become the most popular person ever. So Lucy and I got home to my house and she is setting up her makeup kit and laying out chic outfits to wear. Two hours later, I transformed to a new person. Instead of wearing huge spectacles, I'm wearing blue contacts. I was wearing pink heels and my skin was tanned caramel. Omg I am totes gorgeous! I look way better than that snobbish Mary and her idiot clique. I am so ready to rock those halls tomorrow. I even got my dad to by me a blue sports car to ride in. I also went to the store so me and Lucy can buy clothes for my new life. A nerd had died and a girly girl was born.

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