Chapter 2

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AN: I don't own hunter x hunter or julie and the phantoms. They belong to their respective creators. AND I have never watched past greed island before so sorry if I get anything wrong.

Tray stacked high with food Killua moved on to the drinks section. Lunch was was finally here, thank god! All his morning subjects had gone by uneventful. So uneventful that Killua had promptly tuned out all his professors in favor of staring out the window. Funnily enough, although Killua had lived on a mountain the view from there had not been all that great, no, the view of school grounds had been much better than anything he could have seen from Kukuroo mountain.

Killua's eyes scanned the drink section for something he wanted.

"You have quite the appetite."

Killua turned promptly, blue eyes meeting the grey of Kurapika's own. The blonde was smiling cheekily, also holding a tray of food. But Killua could see the slight incredulity in his eyes as he stared at his tray of food, he was probably wondering how Killua had possibly stayed so slender. That was understandable since Kurapika didn't know how quickly his assassin body burned through carbs. 

Besides with how his situation was right now he would need every scrap he could get.

Killua turned back to his drink options, "I'm a growing boy Kurapika."

Followed by a soft 'Ah' as he finally found something satisfactory to his tastes. 

Chocolate milk was heaven on earth at this point. Killua couldn't remember the last time he had had anything chocolate. He quickly snatched a carton placing it on his tray, and turned to Kurapika who looked amused at his answer as he reached past him to grab a bottle of water.

"At least your not those types of omegas who eat only salads and stuff," Kurapika said still smiling, amused by his own joke.

Killua tilted his head slightly as he waited for Kurapika to finish.

"I've never met those types of omegas, every omega I've met eats what they want," Killua says grabbing a fry from his tray and munching on it, Kalluto and Illumi had been the only other omegas in his family, and Illumi ate what he got, whilst Kalluto ate whatever would please mother.

"Well then you're lucky," Kurapika continued snapping Killua out of his thoughts, "some of them aren't that pleasant."

Killua pondered this, as he turned to stare at the large array of tables and people that made up the school cafeteria. There didn't seem to be any empty tables though, that would be a problem. Almost like Kurapika could read his mind, a gentle but firm hand was placed on Killua's upper back, guiding him through the cafeteria.

"Don't worry, you're sitting with me. It's right over there."

Right over there, apparently meant smack bam in the middle of the cafeteria with Gon. Luckily, blonde bitch didn't seem to be anywhere in sight, but there were a few other guys, who all looked to be of alpha or beta status sitting with Gon too.

Curiously Killua turned to Kurapika, "How do you know Gon?" well enough to sit at a table with all his friends was left unsaid, but Killua figured Kurapika got the gist. Besides it didn't look like there were any other omegas at the table, which was odd.

Kurapika smiled, "My boyfriend is good friends with Gon, so that's how we became friends. Gon is actually really sweet despite being famous."

Famous? That was an odd word to use. Popular, sure. But famous? It was an interesting choice of words, but the albino chose not to ponder the meaning to much, choosing to bring his attention to the 'boyfriend' part of that statement.

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