Venting #23.

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Why do I have to be so awkward, so....annoying? I don't understand, but I can't seem to not make people uncomfortable, and it really does suck. All I really want is to be able for people to be comfortable around me, which will probably not happen anytime soon. Hell, I can't even act not awkward around the girl I like. She said she's fine with me, but I feel like she saying that out of pure pity for me. Because let's face an obvious fact, she doesn't like me and doesn't want to be with me at all. I'm just so pathetic and stupid, why would she want me? I hate liking people on a romantic level, because it only means more pain for me. It's hopeless, it really is, she'll never like me. Along with the other people I have liked it the past. I'm just not good enough...

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