new friends? 2.

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If this is a little sad I'm listening to Heather slowed with rain while writing this :p

Y/n's pov : It's literally only the middle of the day I'm im tired as hell. As I'm walking in to my 4th period class i bump into this girl. She had perfect red hair, a nice body uh she was perfect. I was to scared to look up and face her. " hey are you ok? Sorry I didn't see where I was going" i finally look up " sorry about that " I smile in embarrassment " hi I'm maddy " " I'm y/n ". " that's such a nice name " " thank you " I smile " we both walk into the class and take a seat next to each other. She takes her books out while I'm looking for vinnie. He's nowhere to be found. I forget about it and started talking to maddy. " so y/n are you new here ?" " yeah I'm new " " that's so cool we barely get new people here " . We talk for the whole class until vinnie walks in right when the class was about to end.

Vinnies pov : I'm kinda scared to walk into my 4th period class. I told y/n I would be here. I walk in and everyone stares right at me. " Mr hacker your late. You missed the whole class. Got an excuse". Right when the teacher said do I have an excuse I look directly at y/n in guilt. I stay silent for a moment zoning out but then the bell rings. My teacher looks at me with a annoyed face. " your excused. Don't be late again understand?" " I understand ". I walk out standing by the lockers waiting for y/n to walk out. She walks out with a confused face. " listen y/n I'm sorry I wasn't there-" I was stopped by a red haired girl talking for y/n. " she's good. She doesn't need the apology". Y/n then walks away with the girl. She looks back at me and doesn't say anything.

Y/n's pov : I feel bad for walking away from vinnie but he didn't even show up to 4th period so i kinda don't feel bad at the same time. Maddy and I walk to the cafeteria to see a whole bunch of people eating, laughing even crying. Maddy holds my hand as she walks to her table to a group of boys. " so y/n this is kio, Jordan, and Troy ". They all say hi in a welcoming tone witch makes me smile. " hi " I say nervously. I sit down and open my bag to see the lunch my mom packed me. I remember this morning vinnie put something in my bag. It was a post it that says " together forever". I automatically feel guilt run across my whole body. "y/n you ok?" Maddy says. " yeah I'm good uh I'm just gonna go to the bathroom I'll be back". I say running off before they can say anything. I walk to the bathroom to see vinnie. He walks up to me. " y/n can we talk?" " sure". He pulls me to the side. " listen I'm really sorry I wasn't there. I was actually helping this girl in my 3rd period class". " VINNIE HELPING SOMEONE FOR THE FIRST TIME!". we both laugh " apology accepted" I say as I smile. " vin wanna sit with me and maddy ?". " who's that?" " the red hair girl". " sure ig ". We walk back to the cafeteria and to maddys table. Maddy introduced everyone and now we're all just talking. In the middle of talking a beautiful girl walks over to our table. She has beautiful eyes, beautiful skin, she was a angel. Maddys starts talking " hey 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 what's up?" " hi! Can I take vinnie for a second he was helping me with something " " sure " vinnie says as he blushes.
I'm get this feeling in my gut ... Is it Jealousy?


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