Section Five: Being a Therapist - A Backdrop to my life with Lynn

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In this section, I will describe the years of my career after I finally reached my career and professional goals, dreams, and aspirations. This was twelve years of hard work, never giving up, never letting any obstacle remain too much of a challenge for me to overcome. I was passionate, motivated, a very hard worker, relentless in pursuit of my goals.

It's also important to understand that for people like myself, we feel good when we are able to help another person. It feels good. That being said, what we do is NOT about us. It's about the client or in an inpatient setting, it's about the patients.

This is the backdrop to the life I was sharing with Lynn.

I suppose that is a feature of empathy - you feel with another person. So, if they find relief, you feel it with them. If they are happy, you rejoice with them.

Of course, if a client is depressed, manic, fearful, or traumatized you empathize which is like feeling with them but you have to stay grounded so you can help them. You have to resonate with a person and act in sync with them so that you can guide them toward a better more positive mental state or mindset.

Anyway, this section will pick up at my graduation from the University of South Carolina in the School of Social Work and my entrance into the field that I had been pursuing since I was 18, twelve years ago.  

Memoirs of A Healer/Clinical Social Worker: Autobiography of Bruce WhealtonWhere stories live. Discover now