𝟒.𝟏𝟓 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐎𝐟 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡

Start from the beginning

The bodies of Scott and Jules McCall laying on the beds. The doctors turning the monitors off. Knowing they wouldn't be able to come back from this.

The halls filled with Melissas screams as she falls to the floor. Mr.Dunbar holding her as she cried. "What happened to them?" She says screaming into his shirt.


"Are you guys totally sure about this?" Liam asks the group pacing around the room. "I think Liam's kind of nervous. Maybe you should tell him it's going to be all right." Kira tells Scott even though she was the one who was actually nervous. "It's going to be all right." He says holding her hand in his.

"So, you've done this before, right?" Liam asks Noshiko, still feeling nervous about the whole plan. "I've seen it done." She tells him. "Is that just as good?"He asks her.

"No." She says as Kira eyes widen. "Mom, you're not inspiring confidence." She tells her Mom. "Good. This is a terrible idea." Noshiko tells Kira crossing her arms. "Do you want us to do it without you?" Kira exclaims.

"Are you guys sure Jules should be doing this after what happened yesterday?" Liam says, making Brett confused as he thought they all suffered because of the virus not just Jules. "I mean she died. Jules died, her heart stopped beating and you're still letting her do this?" Liam adds directing his voice to Scott as Bretts eyes widen looking at the girl who stood up from the Scott's bed.

"Trust me I tried convincing her but she's become very determined the last few hours." Scott tells him, his eyes pleading with Jules to back out. "Maybe because it's not your decision to make." She tells them with an angry tone. Feeling suffocated she walks out of the room. "Jules!" Scott calls out for her. "Just give me a minute." She screams back at him walking out the door to sit on the grass and look at the night sky.

Brett had followed her out not saying a word but just sitting next to her. "What? You gonna tell me that I shouldn't do this either?" She asks him, turning her face to the side to look at him. "No I was gonna ask you why your so determined to do this?" He says back placing his hands in the grass behind him and leaning back to look at the sky.

"A person once told me that at some point I have to let go, no matter how painful something is because that's the only way we grow." She says as he looks back at her. "Yesterday I gave up...I stopped fighting because I was so tired of everything piling down on me, but while I was dead someone special told me that I had to keep fighting and that's what I'm doing. Even when it gets hard I'm not giving up anymore, I'm gonna fight harder than I ever have before, and I don't plan on stopping just because everyone is worried that I can't handle this." She finishes as he looks at her with a smile.

"Feel better?" He asks her. "No" She answers him quickly, but when she sees him smiling she rolls her eyes at him and starts smiling herself. "Maybe a little." She tells him as she looks back up at the sky.

However Brett didn't take his eyes off her. He just watched as the wind blew through her hair. How the stars were reflected in her eyes. How her dimple appeared on the side of her cheek as she smiled.

Realizing the both had to get back inside he stands first, helping her up, grabbing her a little too quickly as she collided into his chest. Brett grabbing her waist preventing her from falling. Jules' eyes widening as she looked at the taller boy.

"You know..." He starts. "Whoever told you to keep fighting was a really smart person." He tells her still not taking his eyes off of her.

"Yeah she was."


"Put your hand over their hearts." Noshiko tells Kira. The girl placing both her hands on Scott and Jules' chests. "Hold on." Scott says grabbing Kiras hand.  What happens while we're out? Are we gonna feel anything?." He asks looking up at Noshiko.

"It might feel like you're dreaming." She tells them, as Brett holds Jules' hand. Notably making Liam glare at him. "Good dreams or bad?" Asks Scott as Jules grabs Bretts hand tighter. "I suppose that depends on you."

Jules looks at Brett again telling him in a way to let go as her other hand grabbed Scott's. Kira's hands slowly made their way back to the two teens chests. Once making contact, electricity runs through both their bodies. Both of their back curving up as they attempt to breathe.


Melissa wipes her fake tears as she walks to the morgue of the hospital. Looking down at the "dead" bodies of Jules and Scott as the group of teens and Noshiko stand around them "I still hate this plan. I mean this is pretty significantly terrifyingly. They look dead." Melissa says as she notices Kira grab Scott's hand and Brett who she hadn't been formally introduced to holding Jules' hand.

"Give me your hands." Noshiko tells her, gesturing for Melissa to grab it. Melissa looking at Stiles. "It's okay." He tells her. Noshiko take Melissas hands placing them on her children's chest.

"Wait for it."

Soon enough Melissa feels the very slow heartbeats of her children again at her palms. " Is that enough to keep a werewolf alive?" She asks Noshiko who only nods her head. "How much time do we have?" Melissa asks.

"Forty-five minutes." Noshiko answers her. "What happens after that?" Melissa asks the group. "I bring them back the same way." Kira answers her. "No, I mean what happens if they stay like this longer than forty-five minutes?"

"No one's told her?" Noshiko asks the group of teens. "What? What happens after forty-five minutes?"

"They die."


Chris and Stiles stand by the computer, informing the benefactor that Jules and Scott were dead. "That's your assassin speak?" Stiles asks Argent. "I said they're dead. What more do you want?" Chris asks him confused.

"It was a little dry. You could've said something like, "Target has been neutralized. The crow flies at midnight." That's always cool. Hmm."

Visual confirmation is required.

"Type this, "Visual confirmation isn't possible."Police coming to claim bodies in forty minutes." Argent tells Stiles as he types away on the computer.

Visual confirmation is required.

"Tell him number one and two on the list are dead. I killed them." Stiles again typing in the computer. "And if the wire transfer isn't completed in forty minutes..."

Argent taking the computer from Stiles and typing.

I'm coming after you.

Argent soon leaving to help the greens connect the campers to the computers that they had brought as Stiles, Brett, Kira, and Liam waited in the hospital room. Soon the computers connected showing them every single camera angle in the hospital.

The group of teens now having to wait for the benefactor to show up.


Jules woke up in a tight space. Her body covered in a blanket even though she was fully clothed. She made her way out of the space to find herself crawling out of the locker and in a school hallway. She stood up quickly looking down to see a bitten apple roll by her feet.

She looked up to see a girl wearing a familiar leather jacket and tight fitting skirt. The girls blonde hair falling to her lower back. She turned around to reveal herself, smiling at Jules as the younger girl smiled back.


𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆 ★ 𝐁. 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐁𝐎𝐓 Where stories live. Discover now