The clever and bubbly Gwen Stacy

... Although the headphones stayed on. They helped make the journey bearable

Fortunately, Gwen didn't have to walk a long distance. Having mastered the local navigation, she knew where to get off the train so she could get close enough to her destination, her school

Sure enough, after walking up a few stairs and turning around the corner, she spotted the familiar building as well as the crowds of students walking in

Amongst them, she noticed three particular figures chatting while waiting for her:

Amongst them, she noticed three particular figures chatting while waiting for her:

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Peter Parker, the lovable dork who aced every science test that he came across

Peter Parker, the lovable dork who aced every science test that he came across

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(Minus the cigarette and the drink, of course. It's a school, after all)

Elizabeth Braddock, a clever, yet charming exchange student also from the UK

And of course, you, Y/N L/N, the promising journalist who welcomed danger like an old friend, sometimes unnecessarily

Your eyes went wide as she approached your group

"What is this!? Gwen Stacy is early!"

You wrapped an arm around her and brought her closer to you as you taunted her

"I know, make a wish!"

She added before she brought herself closer to you and the two of you laughed at this joke. Betsy smiled fondly and Peter just sighed

You let her go shortly after, then the other two approached the blonde

"We're glad you're here, Gwen!"

"Thanks, Pete!"

They did a friendly fist bump as they spoke. Lastly, Elizabeth talked to Gwen

"By the way, did you print the-"

"Yup, don't worry about it"

Before Elizabeth could even finish, Gwen brought up the document from her backpack to show that she had indeed, printed the damn thing

Marvel: Along Came a Spider - Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now