𝟒.𝟓 𝐋𝐚𝐜𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞

Start from the beginning

"What Circus Act?"

"You caught every shot"  Stiles said in a duh tone.
"Yeah I was in goal." She heard Liam say with confusion laced in his voice. "Yeah but nothing, not a single shot got past you." Stiles argues.  "Yeah I was the goalie, have you guys ever played this game before?" He asked Stiles.

"Liam I am so sorry about them" She say sto him trying to pry Stiles' hand off her face. "Jules??" he asked. "Hey." She said with an elongated tone as she smiled at him even though she couldn't see his face. She was about to say more but Scott started talking. "You're a freshman right?"

"Yeah" Liam answered him."But you weren't here last semester?" Scott added. "I transferred from Devenford Prep." Liam told them."You transferred?" Scott added once more. 

"Yeah." Liam answers.

"No you got kicked out didn't you" Scott says which makes Jules realize that Scott was listening to his heartbeat to make sure he wasn't lying. "Alright kicked out—transferred what do you guys care? I just came here to play lacrosse."  He says to them with an offended tone. "The team could use a few good players right?" He asks them with hope in his voice.

"No we don't need any new good players." Stiles said as Jules finally pried his hand off of her face, hitting his shoulder in the process."Actually we could use a few." Scott rebuttals. "Yeah Stiles that's why I'm trying out too. I plan to be the first girl on the team." She says to him smiling with pride. Stiles put his arm around her smiling before turning back to Liam. "Ok how'd you get this good, have you always been this good or did it suddenly happen just once over night? Have you ever been out in the middle of the woods during the night of a full moon-."

"Stiles!" Scott interrupted him. "Look I learned from my Step-Father alright, he made team captain when he was a sophomore...like you." Liam said looking directly at Scott. Scott smiled at him. "And yeah I guess I've always been this good" Liam said as he grabbed his bag and winked at Jules walking out of the locker room.

Jules turns to look at Scott and Stiles who had been observing her closely after Liam left and Stiles squinted his eyes at her in the process.

"Well he wasn't lying that time." Scott tells them


"An axe murderer?" Kira asked as they walked through the busy halls. "A family murdering, axe murderer" Stiles added. "Yeah Jules and I already heard about it." Scott said to Stiles who was in disbelief. "Wait what? You did? How?" Stiles asked the two of them.

"Our mom called us. She knew we'd see it on the news." Scott answered him. "Perfect let's go." Stiles said walking away. "Woah woah we have Econ in 5 minutes." Scott said to him. "Yeah and I have AP Chem I can't miss it." Jules interjected.

"Did you guys forget about the family murdering, axe murderer" Stiles says as he walks back to them. "Did you forget that your dad's the sheriff, they want us to stay out of it." Scott argued.

"Are you guys kidding me there's a family murdering, axe murderer and we're not gonna do anything about it" Stiles said waving his hands around to show his disbelief. "Maybe we should just let the adults handle it." Kira added as she nodded her head repeatedly. "So you three just wanna stay here, at school and go to class...I've never heard anything more irresponsible in my life." he says to them as he starts walking away.

𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐆𝐀𝐙𝐈𝐍𝐆 ★ 𝐁. 𝐓𝐀𝐋𝐁𝐎𝐓 Where stories live. Discover now