"Same as Chullie hyung, but you realize that this is also affecting me? I lost Eunhyuk too, okay?" Donghae said. 

        Kyuhyun realized how selfish he had been. 


    "Heechul Hyung! Donghae! Henry!" Kyuhyun said excitedly, "The detective dude found something!" 

        "What is it? What is it?" the others hurried over. 

        "He says he followed Yonghwa to this abandoned building, or at least it looked abandoned because inside it's like...you know that kind of place." 

        "Did he take a picture?" 

        "Yes yes here it is. He went in and pretended to be a customer and shit. They offered Ryeowook or Eunhyuk to him. He told them yes so he can try to find a way to smuggle them out." 

        "That'll be fucka hard." Donghae said, taking a bite from his apple. 

        "Nahh that dude's a frickin' pro he'll do fine." 

        "Why don't we just tell the freaking police." Kyuhyun asked, "I think you guys are getting to caught up with this spy detective shit." 

        The other three looked at each other, "Maknae has a point." Heechul said. 


    "Ryeowook, come here." Yonghwa smirked, "I have a new customer here." He dragged Ryeowook into another room and locked him in with the man, "P-p-p-please don't hurt me." Ryeowook stuttered. 

        To his suprise, the man smiled, "Don't be afraid, I'm here to help you. I'm Jung Yunho, but you can call me Yunho." 

        "K-k-k-kyuhyun sent you?" 

        "Yes." Yunho smiled, "Don't worry Ryeowook, everything will be alright soon. Later tonight, in two or three hours, I will call the police. But for now, I want you to play along to make Yonghwa trust me." 

        "You're gonna r-r-r-rape me?" 

        "No, but just scream and moan so it seems like it. Okay?" 

        "And you..?" 

        "I'll be doing the same thing while working on a plan for the police to get here and catch these people offguard." Yunho said. 

        "At the same time?" 

        "Why yes." 

        "But...they might come in at any moment!" Ryeowook said, scared. 

        "Have they ever done that?" Yunho asked, raising his eyebrows.

        "Well....no." Ryeowook admitted. 

        "Exactly, so they won't come in until I leave." 

        "You have the same name as a member of TVXQ, you know that?" 

        "Ugh your friends said the same thing they didn't even recognize me." 

        "Yunho?" Ryeowook asked, amazed, "But you don't look like you!" 

        "Yea this mask." Yunho said, "Works really well for undercover work." 

        "I didn't know that you-" 

        "It's a secret, and I hope that you will keep it little Ryeowookie." Yunho winked, "Okay, now start making noises." 

        It wasn't hard for Ryeowook, he just thought about Kyuhyun and that helped. As for Yunho, he just made those noises and worked on his phone, "I got it." he said finally, taking a break from acting, "The police will come here in a normal, non-police car so they won't get caught. They'll dress normal and act like they came here for a drink and then BOOM! They get caught and you're out." 

        "What about Kyuhyun?" Ryeowook asked.

        Yunho smiled, "Wanna talk to him yourself?" he handed Ryeowook his phone. ' 

Kyuhyun: Wheres Ryeowook? Is he okay? Course he's not, gods when can you get him out?

Ryeowook (On Yunho's phone): Kyukyu? This is Wookie. 

        And then they talked for another half hour before Yunho said they should get back to their acting. 

Kyuhyun: Bye baby see you later tonight <3 Love you the most my little Ryeowookie. 

Ryeowook (On Yunho's phone): Later tonight my Kyunnie <3 



so i just made yunho a detective or whtever xD

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