Chapter 2- The Avatar Returns

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Izuku and Ochako make their way back to the village, heads hung low. They knew they were in for a tongue lashing, but they never expected what was to come. The children of the village welcomed them back with hugs and smiles, while the adults gave them nothing but scowls of disinterest and fear. Tenya steps forward "I knew it! You signaled the Fire Navy with that flare! You're leading them right to us!" He points an accusing finger at Izuku. "Izuku didn't do anything!" Ochako comes to her friend's aid, glaring at her brother with the fury of 1,000 suns. "It was an accident.." Izuku mumbles, looking ashamed. "We were on the ship, and there was a booby trap." Ochako continues, "and we kinda boobied right into it." Izuku says, finishing. Gran gran steps forward, looking disappointed at her grandchild. "Ochako, you shouldnt have gone into that ship! You know its forbidden!" Ochako looks down "I know, we were just trying to have fun. I'm sorry." She says. "Please don't blame Ochako, I asked her to go. I just wanted to explore and it didn't go as planned." Izuku says shamefully. "A-hah! So the spy confesses! Kids get away from the enemy!" Tenya shouts, the kids walk back to their parents. "The airbender is hereby banished from this village!" He announces, the adults nod in approval. "Tenya! You're making a mistake! Over an accident too!" Ochako growls at her brother. "No, I'm keeping my promise to dad, I'm protecting you from threats like that weirdo!" Tenya responds, grabbing his sister's arm. She quickly pulls it away violently. "Izuku is NOT our enemy! Don't you see? Izuku brought us something that we haven't had in a long time! Fun!" Ochako tried to reason with her tribe, but they didn't return the sentiment. "Fun!? We can't fight the Fire Navy with fun!" Tenya says, successfully pulling his sister away from Izuku. "You should try it sometime!" Izuku smiles, trying to lighten the mood. "Just-- Get out of our village! NOW!" Tenya yells at Izuku. "Gran gran please! Don't let Tenya do this!" Ochako looks to her grandmother for help, but didn't receive any. "Ochako you knew going on that ship was forbidden, and yet you did it anyway. Tenya is right, I think it best that the airbender leaves." She says, looking a bit sad. "Fine! Then I'm banished too! Come on Izuku let's go!" The brunette yells, grabbing Izuku's hand and marching through the thick snow, towards Appa. "Where do you think you're going!?" Tenya yells after them. "Izuku is taking me to the North Pole! Im going to find a waterbending master!" She responds. "I am? Sweet!" Izuku says with a smile. "Ochako! Are you really choosing this random kid over your tribe? Your family!?" Tenya asks, Ochako halts and looks down. "Ochako, I don't wanna be the thing that gets in the way of you and your family." Izuku puts a hand on her shoulder. Ochako turns to hug him, crying a little. "So... You're going to leave the South Pole? This is... Goodbye?" Ochako says, looking very sad. "I'm afraid so..." Izuku says sadly. "Thanks for penguin sledding with me." The freckled boy smiles. "But where will you go!?" Ochako asks with a worried expression. "Guess I'll go back home and look for the airbenders. Gee, I haven't cleaned my room in 100 years. I am not looking forward to that, haha!" He giggles. Ochako steps back and sighs as Izuku floats up to Appa's head with his airbending. "It was nice meeting everyone! I hope you all stay safe!" Izuku announces to the village, who all give him disapproving glares. "Lets see that bison fly now, airboy." Tenya says sarcastically. "Come on Appa! You can do it! Yip yip!" The beast only stands, grumbling a little as if to say, 'I'm tired'. "Yeah I thought so!" The blue haired boy crosses his arms, raising a brow. Just then, a little girl runs from her mother's arms, crying. "Izuku don't go! I'll miss you!" She says, tears running down her cheeks. "I'll miss you too.." He says with remorse. Izuku and Ochako exchange a look of sorrow before Izuku gives the signal for Appa to start moving. "Come on boy..." He mumbles as the bison walks away. The little girl whimpers and goes back to the village, Ochako just stands there and watches the boy on his bison as they stray farther from the village. Her grandmother puts a hand on her shoulder, "Ochako, you'll feel better once--" Ochako gently pushes her away. "Are you happy now!? You ruined my once chance at becoming a real waterbender! Well, I hope you and Tenya are satisfied." She says and runs back down to the village. Gran gran looks down, in shame. Meanwhile in the village, Tenya gets the young boys of their tribe ready for the incoming Fire Navy attack. "Alright! Ready our defences! The Fire Nation could be arriving on our shores any minute now!" He gestures for them to get in the village. One of the little boys stops and turns to Tenya "But I gotta pee--" "And NO potty breaks!" Tenya shouts at him, pushing him inside. 

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