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Please tell me he is not going to tell what I think he is going to tell...

As soon as I reached there he held my hand and spoke...

"Everyone we are getting married"


The crowd fell silent, Meher and Priyanka we're looking straight at me and I knew they were mad at me for not telling them...

"Well we are currently just engaged and things have been a little slow since we haven't been able to see each other. But I hope that this engagement soon turns into a marriage and a successful one..... Thank you"

As soon as he finished speaking and held his hand and dragged him away from there...

After walking some meters I stopped caught my breath and turned towards him...

"What do you think you just did?"

"What I announced the wedding"

"Oh my god! You don't get it, do you? I asked not to do anything stupid because I had not told my friends about our relationship! Why on earth did you announce it?"

"Oh, I am sorry I did not realise it... But what's the big deal? They did not know and know they do... I mean what's the big deal"

"You don't get sir, I wanted to give them the news, they expected the news from ME, not YOU... They are MY friends, not YOURS....."

After saying that I just left from there and did not look back...



I----- I was so confused, what did I do that upset her so much....?

I turned back to find two young ladies who scared me...


"Where is she?"

"Say who now?"

"You're-- I mean Idhina, where is she?"

"And who are you to ask me that?"

"I am Meher and this is Priyanka, and we are her friends."

"Oh so you are the friends she was talking about"

"What what do you mean?"

"I mean that she got pissed at me for announcing the wedding before she could tell her "friends" that is, now I know you guys. Now here's the thing...
She shouted at me got angry and ran away in that direction... So I wouldn't go there if I were you... "

"You know what,? You're thicker than you look." Meher taunted with a smirk...

"Us going there will make her feel better obviously but you going now and apologising will cool her off completely..."  Priyanka said confidently

"Yeah, Priyanka is right, go and talk it out, and don't shout coz it might make things go bad..."

"Wa---- wait, you want me to go apologies to HER? In your dreams!"

And I stormed out of there...


How could he just announce it without my knowledge?

I wanted to tell Meher and Priyanka the news personally...

Now they are gonna be angry with me...


I wanna kill someone right now...


"Hey, you wanna talk it out?"

//////////TO BE CONTINUED//////////

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