Chapter Twenty-Two

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The steps groan as we walk. Harold's heavy footsteps follow us and when we reach the hallway, Harold points his finger to the door of the spare room, looking at Wren.

"You're in here, buddy," he says firmly.

Heat rushes to my cheeks. Wren's mouth twitches, I can tell he finds it amusing. Harold is the kindest, most gentle person I know, it's quite humorous that he is trying to seem like the tough guy.

"Yes, sir."

Wren flashes me a grin, before disappearing through the door. I fold my arms across my chest. Harold peers back at me, mirroring my stance.

"Oh my God, Harold, we don't need a chaperone!" I groan.

My foster father huffs, his wispy, greying moustache moving at the rush of air.

"I think you do."

I face-palm while we wait for Wren. When he steps back out, his fingers drum against his leg awkwardly.

"Keen for a movie?" I ask.


When we reach downstairs, Eileen has prepared ice cream, lightly dusted in chocolate. Wren's face lights up when he sees it. I wonder if he has anything like this at home, with his mum either absent or when she is there, distracted.

It takes longer than it should to pick a movie. Eileen tells Harold to go upstairs and leave us alone, but he refuses, so we had to pick one that all three of us would like, and we all have wildly different tastes.

Wren sprawls across the long lounge and I rest so that I'm half on the lounge, half on his legs, a blanket draped over us. Harold frowns at us but doesn't comment.

Wren's fingers trail up and down my arm and I nestle into him, finally feeling relaxed.

I must have fallen asleep through the movie, because what feels like seconds later, Wren is shaking me awake. I blink at the credits rolling across the screen.

"Damn it," I grumble. "Now I don't know what happened."

I yawn loudly, and my back cracks when I stand. We shuffle back upstairs blearily and brush our teeth. I'm disappointed I won't be sleeping with Wren beside me. Everything is better when he is there. I sleep easier and I don't have nightmares.

He runs his hand down my arm and plants a kiss on the side of my head.

"Goodnight," he murmurs.

"Night, Wren. See you in the morning."

Harold waits until Wren is inside his room with the door closed before he moves to his own room. I roll my eyes.

"Night, Pumpkin," he says. "Sleep well."

"You too."

The door shuts behind me and I fall into bed, exhaustion gnawing at me. I sag into the mattress and stare up at the ceiling. Despite how tired I feel, knowing Wren is only a few feet away is distracting.

After a few moments, the house is blanketed into silent darkness. I roll to my side and place my hand on the empty side, wishing Wren was lying next to me.

I'm not sure how much time has passed, but my door opens sometime later. Quiet, padding steps are heard and then the bed dips. I reach out and touch him. He slides underneath the blanket, his legs wrapping with mine.

"Hi," I whisper.

"Hi," he smiles.

He's warm and soft. I inch closer.

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