Chapter 2: Rise of the Dino Part 2

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Arcee's POV:
Once the sun was up, I revved my engine to get Jack's attention, "Shh, are you crazy? My mom's still asleep." Jack said, "Grab your helmet, it's go time." I said trying to get out to check up on Grimm, "*Groans* It's Saturday." Jack groaned, "You can watch cartoons back at base with Bumblebee. But right now we need to get to base. And leave a note for your mom, she worries." I said as he complained and finally, we were on our way. 

"Whoa, what's with you Arcee?" Jack asked, "One, I thought you might like a drive without the cons shooting at us. Two, I need to check up on Grimm. He had a spark attack last night." I said worriedly, "That's your version of us humans when we have a heart attack, right? What happened?" Jack asked, "Grimm was having a nightmare that really affected his mind and the result was a spark attack." I said as we finally made it to base as both Optimus and Ratchet were getting ready to leave. 

"Autobots, Ratchet and I are going to investigate an anomaly. We will be out of radio contact for some time. Arcee, Grimm is already waking up and he is to take a sedative to help ease his mind. You might also want to help him get an earth based vehicle mode." Optimus said as I nodded, and they left for primus knows where.

Jack's POV:
I saw Arcee walk over to a giant medical bed with the dino bot starting to get up. "You feeling alright?" Arcee asked him, "*Snarls and groans*" he said, "Still stubborn as always. Here, Ratchet wants you to take these to help calm your mind. I don't think you'll be seeing combat for a while either." Arcee said and the dino bot sighed and took the thing in Arcee's hand and drank it. "What is that stuff?" I asked, "Something the doc bot made for Grimm. Supposed to help keep his mind at ease." Bulkhead said as Miko started playing her guitar and Grimm held his ears and hissed as his right forearm turned into some kind of cannon and aimed it at Miko. 

"MIKO STOP!" Bulkhead shouted as Miko saw Grimm with the cannon pointed at her, "Grimm, stand down. She didn't know." Arcee said, "Know what?" Miko asked, "Grimm hates all kind of things that have that kind of frequency. We're just lucky the cons never found out about that; otherwise we'd be up to our chassis in rubble." Bulkhead said as Grimm got up and sighed as he was about to leave the room when Arcee spoke up, "Grimm, Optimus wants you to get an earth based vehicle mode. I know just the place where you might find one you might like." Arcee said catching Grimm's attention. "Bumblebee, you're coming with us. Bulkhead, you're in charge." Arcee said as the three of them left to get Grimm a vehicle mode.

Grimm's POV:
Arcee and Bumblebee took me to a place called a car dealership. Something that the humans go to so they can acquire a new vehicle. "See anything you like?" Arcee asked, I shook my head when we all heard a loud engine and I saw the car that seemed just perfect for me about to drive out of the dealership. I smirked and scanned it as the information was processed and I jumped up and transformed into a high speed Lamborghini with black, grey, and gold detailing. 


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TRANSFORMERS PRIME: ARCEE X OC GRIMLOCK CYBERTRONIAN X Female CybertroniansDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora