Before we begin...

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Hello! Welcome to my first ever fanfic on Wattpad! I've written a few fanfics before though I've never felt as dedicated to one as to this one. If you see any errors, please don't make fun of it- I try my best and I read through the text multiple times but might miss it- just comment it and I'll see it :]

Righty, before we dive into this story, let me explain who is on what side.
We have two mafia groups, 'Manberg' and 'Syndicate'. Here is the list of who is on what mafia:



Some characters may simply be referenced, characters that aren't on the list can also be referenced.

Roles of these characters will be more explained as the story goes on, some of them will be really clear (for example, George being a hacker. No, this is not a spoiler- it's literally in chapter 1 dw-)

As you will see, there will be no Tommy, Tubbo or Ranboo. Although I love them all. I didn't know if they would be comfortable being in a fanfic about mafias-? I mean they are minors (at the time of writing this) so I just didn't feel too comfortable adding them in(trying not to cross any of their boundaries and stuff, in simple, being respectful.) But fear not! You will get them in the background of some scenes!

I would also like to say, I am not shipping REAL people in this fan fic, just characters. Please don't comment stuff like "sHiPpInG rEaL pEoPlE iS wEiRd! DoNt Do It!" Because I'm not doing that. Also please don't say stuff like "ThEy ArN't AcTuAlLy LiKe ThAt", they are just characters, not the actual people. If you don't like it, you are more than welcome to leave.

Age wise, most are staying the same, I'm only changing the fact that George is 23, Dream is 21 meaning there is only two years of a gap instead. Not important but I'll put it out there for those who get confused.

I don't think I need to explain much more since a lot will be explained in the story, if anything is unclear then just comment and I'll either explain or add it into a chapter to clear things up.

This fanfic does use swears (I don't use * for the swears either) , just putting that out there. Since this is a mafia based fanfic, stuff like blood, guns, alcohol, drugs e.x.e will be mentioned.

Here is a exact list:
•slight torture
•slight manipulation(?)
(There may be more since I'm still writing it however this list is enough to give you a idea of what's to come.)

I update every week on Friday so look forward to that <3

Anyways- enough of this chit chat, I hope you enjoy "Into you"! :]

Into you // DreamNotFoundKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat