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(I didn't have time to review the chapter, so I apologize in advance for any possible mistakes)

I woke up a little later this morning. Before I went downstairs I went to check if Rose was in her bedroom, but she wasn't. Oh, right, they don't sleep here unless it's a weekend. I went downstairs and saw her sitting on the couch.

   -- Well, hello. -- I said, coming down the stairs.

   -- Hey, girl. -- she said, standing up and looking back at me.

   -- Did you have fun last night? -- I said stepping in the dining room, where the breakfast was.

   -- Yeah, it was a pretty small party but I wish you'd come, you have some big dark circles under your eyes, what did you do all night?

   -- I read a lot, just like I told you I would. -- I said. I looked at the clock and it was almost 7:50, if we don't leave now we'll be late.

   -- Are you girls ready? -- Dylan said, coming down the stairs. When I looked at him I was completely shook when I saw Jungkook behind him.

   -- Yeah, let's go. -- I managed to say. Jungkook was wearing black ripped jeans with a blackleather jacket. This man really loves black, doesn't he?

We went to the car and left to school. When we arrived, there was a crowd of people infront of the main gate.

   -- What the hell? -- Jungkook mumbled opening the door. He hurried to the crowd of people and we followed him.

When we got close enough I saw it was Jungkook's friend from the other night at the bar. He was fighting with another guy.

   -- What the fuck, Jimin!? -- Jungkook said coming between them. So that's his name.. Jimin. Jungkook pushed Jimin away from the other guy, to which Jimin responded by punching Jungkook in the mouth.

   -- Hey! -- I said. I don't know what came over me, but somehow I ended up between Jimin and Jungkook, with my back towards Jungkook.

   -- Who the hell are you!? -- Jimin shouted. His eyes were red and his cheeks were wet and blushed.

   -- That doesn't matter. Can you please calm down!? Look around you. -- I shouted back and, surprisingly, he did what I said, he looked around and saw everybody in a circle around us.

   -- Jim... Are you okay, bro? -- another guy said behind me.

   -- Lis, we should go. -- Rose said, holding my hand. I turned around and Jungkook was bleeding from his lips.

   -- Are you okay? -- I said, walking closer to him.

   -- I'm fine. -- he said and then I started hearing people whispering around us, something about the principal. I turned back around and there he was.
The principal.

   -- You five! What is going on here!? -- he shouted. -- And all of you, go to class!! -- the crowd around us started to become smaller until it was reduced to no one.

   -- Can anybody explain to me what in the world is going on here. You three- -- he said pointing at Jimin, Jungkook and the guy Jimin was fighting with. -- go to the nursery, the rest comes with me to my office. You three come join us when you finish.

   -- But, Mr. Jones, we didn't have anything to do with this! We tried to seperate them that's all. -- Rose explained.

   -- That doesn't matter, we'll all talk about this in my office. Follow me. -- he said and walked into the school. Jimin followed behind him, he stumbled a little until he disappeared through the halls.

Rose and I stepped into the principal's office. I have never gone to the principal's office in my life. Back in Canada I only had Jordan as a friend, and we spent all our free time either reading or talking, but always in the library, so the only way we could possibly end up in the principal's office was if we stayed until after hours in the library.

-- So, can you explain what happened back there? -- he asked as he sat down on his chair, infront of us.

-- We just got here, and we saw a bunch of people infornt of the school, and when we got closer we saw Jimin and that other guy fighting. -- Rose said.

-- How did Mr. Summers' and you two get involved? -- he asked, but before we answered the door opened and Jimin, Jungkook and the other guy stepped in.

-- Just in time boys, please sit. -- he said and they sat on the chairs next to us, Jimin was sitting next to Rose and after him was Jungkook, the other guy sat next to me.

-- I'll give each of you a chance to explain, I want order. Philip, can you tell me how you got involved in a fight with my nephew? -- Mr. Jones calmly asked. Wait a minute, nephew? Jimin is the principal's nephew!?

-- I was talking to some of my friends infront of the main gate and then I saw your nephew stumbling so I thought he could be hurt or something, so I went up to him and asked if he was okay, to which he answered "yes" but then, I asked "are you sure" and he suddenly punched me, and then punched me again and then again so I punched back. And then these 3 came between us and now we're here. -- Philip explained. I could hear Jimin giggling beside Rose.

-- Is everything Mr. Smith just said true? -- Mr.Jones asked.

-- I guess. -- he said before giggling again.

-- I'm sorry, are you finding this situation funny, Jimin?

-- I mean, a little. -- he said, giggling again.

-- You're drunk? Great. Didn't my sister educate you better than to get drunk in a school morning? -- Jimin just kept on chuckling.

-- Can we leave now? -- Rose asked -- We still have class.

-- Yes. Mr. Summers', Ms. Williams and... ? -- he began to say.

-- My name is Lalisa Manoban... Lisa for short.

-- Well, you three are free to go. And go straight to class, understood? I still want to talk to you two. -- he said, looking at Jimin and Philip.

-- Thank you, Mr. Jones. -- Rose said, before holding onto my wrist and taking me out of the office.

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