Chapter 3 king sonics help.

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I try to fly again but of corse I turn into a tornado. "Ugh! Why does this happen?" I say. "Maybe it's your super-power" sonic says fixing his crown. "I wish I had a crown." I say. "Maybe when I die i will choose you to be king." Sonic says. "No your kids should have the honer to be king." I say. "Okay that makes sense" sonic says. "Hold on!" He grabs on to me and melody and runs super duper fast! (Sorry im a kid I had to do that :) ha!) he runs up to a black building and the security cameras start shooting lasers at us. "Run!" Melody says. We nod. I try to fly but the tornado thing happened. I spun in the other direction and I hit all the security cameras. Sonic gave me a thumbs up. I grinned. "There's more guys!" Melody points out. "I got this!" I say. I turn to my tornado form and knock of all of them too. "The cost is clear!" Sonic says. We go though the doors. We take the elevator down to the bottom floor and just as I thought... The guards was at the bottom... "Okay, Skye we are going to need you. You are the one who is the future freedom fighter. use your tornado power." Sonic says. I do what he is told. I knock back every guard. I see dad unconscious in a goo jar. "Dad!" I yell. "We will get him out don't worry." Sonic says. I nod slowly. "Wait... Does anyone else see mom in there?" Melody says. "Mom!" I say. "Another thing..." Sonic says. "What?" I answer. "They got the parents of the prowers so now they might... Ugh.... They... Might... Get you too...." Sonic says. "Will you protect us?" Melody says. "Of course." Sonic says. "Look out!" I yell pushing sonic out of the way. It was a net. "Help! It's gooey..." I say. "What is this?" I say. "You'll never know..." We hear a voice. I look up and see a black hedgehog. Well it looked like shadow... But... Younger. "I am Saturn the hedgehog." The hedgehog says. "You will be in all separate jars of... Of... Sorry im new at this what are those called?" Saturn says. "Umm I think goo..." I answer. "Oh! Thank you smart guy!" Saturn says. "You don't look that evil to me." Sonic says. "That's because I'm not." Saturn says. "My family is awful and I want to run away. But if I run away I will have no shelter or food." "You can live with the prowers" I say. "That will be awesome!" Melody says. "R-Really?" Saturn beams. "Yeah!" We answer. "When do we start?" "Right now! But first... Can you take me out of this net?" I ask. "Oops forgot that... How do you operate this? This button... Oh this one!" He says. "He lets me out. "Thank you." I say. "Anytime" he answers.

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