Birthday Girl / Eva Cudmore

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I woke up with Eva in my arms, in her room in Jah. Her head on my chest and her hands wrapped securely around me. Her cute little snores echoing through the room.

Oh I'm so in love with this girl.

I checked the time - 8:36 am - it's kinda early, if we went to sleep at 3 in the morning after watching anime. Again, I smiled to myself remembering this amazing night.

She doesn't have to do anything and she just makes me so happy. I'm pretty sure she is my soulmate.

I know it sounds weird because we are together only for two months, but I feel like she's the one I need to keep.

I carefully slipped out of her embrace and walk to her closet. I put on some of her clothes then I went to the bathroom and do my morning routine. I checked if Eva is still sleeping, and thankfully she is. I quietly walk out of my room and go downstairs. I walk in the kitchen and start making breakfast for her.

Today is Eva's 18th birthday and I couldn't find a good enough present for her, so I'm just gonna do what she wants. Take her to the mall and spoil her.

After I made us breakfast I walk upstairs to her room.

Jeez she's still sleeping. She looks so adorable.

I put the tray with food on her desk and slip back to her embrace.

I started giving her light head scratches earning some quiet whimpers from her. She slowly opened her eyes and rubbed them. She looks at me and smiled.


"Good morning and Happy birthday pretty girl" I said and she closed her eyes with a blush. She lean to give me a kiss and the butterflies in my stomach turned into fireworks, like every time she kisses me or even smiles. She pulled away and lay her head on the pillow.

"How I deserved these compliments from the beginning of the day?" she asked and I smiled even wider, I placed a bunch of her hair behind her ear and stroked her cheek.

"You're with me and I love you, that's how" I said and kissed her. "How did you sleep?"

"Amazing, as always when I'm with you" She said and lay her head further in the pillow. We were facing each other now.

"You're so beautiful, I can't even belive that you like someone like me" I said and she blushed a dark shade of pink.

"I don't like you, I love you" she said and kissed me "How can YOU like ME" she said and her smile fade away.

"No no no, don't even think about it young lady" I said

"You're just one year older than me" I shake my head.

"That doesn't matter now, what's the matter is that I'll not let you think about yourself like that" I said and started tickling her, she bursted into fit of laughter with a smile that can bright your day in any second.

I stopped tickling her and look deep in her brown eyes, they are like magnets, hypnotizing brown orbs with a little shine in them.

I lean down and kiss her passionately, she kissed back and it slowly turned into a little makeout session. I pulled away and we smiled at each other.

"I" I kissed her cheek.

"Love" I kissed the other cheek.

"You" I kissed her nose.

"So much" finnaly I kissed her lips and she smiled into the kiss. She repeated what I did and we laughed.

"Ugh I don't want to leave this bed for all day" she groaned and hugged me, making me lay on top of her.

"We can do whatever you want today, but I want to take you to the mall around 2pm, so we have 4 hours" I said and her head perked up. The possibly biggest smile growing on her face, she flipped us so she's on top now and lean closer to me. She trailed her nails on my chest making goosebumps show up on my skin, I smiled at her movements.

"Can I do you a little spa?" she asked with puppy eyes.

"Yeah sure, but later" I said with a smile and her eyes widen.

"Really?" she asked excited. I've never specially let her do it to me before.

"Yes of course, now here, I made you food" I said and pointed at the tray.

"Thank you" She said and kissed my cheek "I love you"

"I love you too, birthday girl"

A/n - Happy 18 Birthday to Eva :)

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