Chapter 8

397 8 9

(~A/N Same as the others~)

Mal's pov

I woke up to Evelyn asleep in front of me. I kissed her head and got out of the bed to find clothes for both of us. Knock knock knock "Come in" "We are having another party tonight. There might be some one you like there as well" Ben comes in and tells me. I raise my eyebrow and slowly nod. "We'll be there" He nods and leaves as he closes the door behind him. "Eve baby girl wake up" "Mhm" "Come on you need some breakfast" she shakes her head "Evelyn what's wrong" "I feel sick" "Okay one minute" I grab my phone and ring Audrey. "Audrey ..... Have you got any medicine Evelyn can have. She says she isn't feeling well ........ Ok just walk straight in." I hang up and sit on the bed with Evelyn. After a few minutes Audrey comes in. "Hey Evelyn what's wrong?" Audrey asked her. "I feel sick and I have belly ache" I put my hand on her head and it's burning hot. "I know what's wrong now. It's your powers coming throw like mummy's did when she was a baby." I say. "Ring me if you need me" Audrey says putting the medicine on the table. "I will thank you" Audrey close the door behind her. "Eve can you hold your hands in front of me and think of a flame" I tell her and a flame appears on the palm of her hand so I a make one on mine. "Copy what I do okay?" She nods so I do a bunch of things with It before we both put it out 

Time skip

Mal's outfit

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Mal's outfit.

Evie's outfit

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Evie's outfit.

Evie's outfit

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