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Cecilia Elian does what any other girl her age does, and this is go to school. She is currently in college, studying neuroscience. However Cecilia is not like any other girl. She is a Thinker. A person in the world who was born with the natural tendency to overthink. This may not seem like anything abnormal but with her ability she can see every possible future unfold before her eyes, just by looking around. With this she can predict the future that is most likely about to happen, to the point of being able to tell what thoughts are going through a person’s mind. It is a curse to be able to see every outcome, as no one understands this girl, and she has distanced herself from everyone.

            One day Cecilia’s life is turned upside down by two events. She is being targeted by the military for her special ability, as one of few in the world. However she expected this. What she did not expect was something that she could not have planned for. To find someone she could not read. To not be able to predict the movements of a certain individual. Now he is her last hope for a normal life, and is her only chance to make her life the way she wants it, because she is cursed to be a Thinker.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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