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Careful Aria, drink too much and you will tell us all your secrets.

I wake up frantically to seen nothing, but darkness. Then I feel him, his warm body next to mine. It swims up my spine and warms my body. I never want to leave. I fall back to sleep instantly and am soon woken up by the smell of fresh coffee. I open up my crusted eyes and look across the apartment to see Ezra in the kitchen trying to make breakfast. He turns around as I began to get up.

“Good Morning!” Ezra says with a huge grin on his face. I look at the clock, it’s 7:45.

“Oh, crap…school starts in 20 minutes.”

“Calm down Aria, you can miss first period. I don’t have any classes today, so I can drive you to school.”


 Ezra walks toward me as his arms wrap around my hips pulling me toward him, his soft lips touch mine and a shiver runs up my spine. I smile as he begins to kiss my neck.

“I have to get ready if I am going to make it by second period.”

“Fine” Ezra mumbles and reluctantly lets go of me.

I jump into the shower frantically, but as I am washing out the conditioner I hear Ezra knocking at the door.

“Aria, you might want to hurry up, second period starts in forty minutes and we still have to stop by your house, so you can get changed.”

“I’ll be right out”

I jump out of the shower and put on the clothes from yesterday. I can smell fresh coffee being made as I open the door to let the hot air out. I put on some light makeup and walk out of the bathroom to see Ezra waiting for me with a cup of coffee.

“I couldn't live without you, Thank you so much.”

I peck him gently on the lips only to pull away and run out the door. We make in to the car with only twenty five minutes till second period. My Mom proabaly already got a call from the school saying that I was not in first period.




When I get to my house I literally pick out the first outfit in my closet. I throw it on and run downstairs not even looking in the mirror. I meet with Ezra who is sitting down in the family room. We quickly jog over to car.

After I stop by my house I arrive at school, fifteen minutes into second period.

“Hey, I’ll pick you up after school if you want” Ezra asks.

“Sure, but I might hitch a ride with Spencer to study Chemistry at her place”

“Okay. Call me if you need anything”

I kiss him passionately and realize that it has been one week since Ezra left Rosewood high, just one week earlier I would only have to look up in English to see him going on about one of Fitzgerald’s book. I loved when he was my teacher, but now we can go out and our relationship can be public. I can actually sit and have coffee with him at the Brew.

I stand outside the classroom looking in to see Spencer, Emily, and Hanna. They were all paying attention to the teacher, except for Hanna who was playing on her phone. I slowly open the door, while students heads pop up. The girls smile a little as I walk toward my seat.

The class goes by pretty quick, probably because the whole time I was checking my Instagram and Twitter. As the bell rings I jump out of my seat and head towards the door leaving the girls behind. 

“Aria” I hear down the hallways. I turn around to see Emily and Hanna walking towards me.

“Hey, where were you in first period?” I smile a little but trying not to blush.

“You slept over at HIS apartment didn’t you?” Emily asks.

“Wow, did you guys actually do it?” Hanna scoffs.

“Really, Han,” I sighed. “Yes, I was at his apartment, but so what, why can’t I spend time with Ezra.”

They both shrug their shoulders and we walk to third period.



Thank you guys so much for reading, I will try to post often. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and will keep reading. Feel free to comment if you see any mistakes or want to share an idea. Thanks! 

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