|1| "The mothership and the alien"

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        ~From Jungkook's perspective~

     " You are sure?" the brown-haired boy asks me again.

     " Yes hyung! I will be okay!" i answer somewhat irritated.

     " Fine. It is some food in the fridge if you want to eat."

     " I don't have five years, hyung! I can take care of myself! "

     " Good then. I will come back in... three hours, ok? "

     " Ok. Have fun! "

    The brown-haired boy comes out the door and smiles. Finally!

   I close the door and head for the living room.

    I'm glad Namjoon is leaving and having fun. I know he cares a lot about me, but he annoys me when he takes care of me like a little child.

    I get irritated when I realize that my cartoon has already begun. You may be fifty, but you will never be too old for cartoons.

   I want to take the remote from the table, but I stop when my phone buzzes. I take it out of my jeans pocket and frown when I see that I have a new message.

   I don't have the number saved in my address book, so it's probably a mistake.



"Wat ar yo doin?''

He is either illiterate or drunk.

"I think you wrong the number''

"I don tak ith motership?"


   I was wrong. He's not illiterate or drunk, he's crazy.

"Ys! Ma frends tel my al te tim i lok lik an alien!"

   I don't know what's weirder: the fact that I understood or smiled at that stupid message.

"So you're going to kidnap me?"

"Ys! I wil kidna yo and i wll punis yo babbyboy!"

    How does he know I'm a boy? And what does that message refer to?

   He's probably an old pervert. I shouldn't have answered him right beginning.

    I turn off the phone and remove the remote control from the table.

   I hope you will find your mothership, alien.


     This is the first chapter. I know, it's short, but i hope you liked it🤧❤️

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