<Chapter Two>

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As I'm sitting in geometry, Brian, the boy in front of me, turns towards me to talk, but then quickly turns back around.

"Pull your shirt up..." He whispered, not looking at me.

"Why?" I asked while lifting my shirt.

"Just do it!" He whispered back frantically.

The rest of the class he had his leg bouncing and back hunched over till the bell rang and he rushed out holding his jacket in a weird way.

I go on the rest of the day being confused about why he was so frantic.

Later that day, I'm still at school but I'm with Maddy, we were waiting for a basketball game to start when Brian texted me,

'Oh and next time don't wear a shirt like that plz'


'Just don't plz. Cause I wasn't able to concentrate on geometry XD'

'Oh really?? Why would that be?'

'Yup .-. Why do u want to know?'

'Idk why? Is it distracting??'

'Dude..... Ur breast were attracting my attention -.- what do u not get m8?'

'What I don't get is why you were looking, I sit behind you so they shouldn't have been THAT obvious '

'Well since I'm taller then u. When I accidentally turned around, I saw and I was attracted .-.
So plz don't wear those types of shirts'

'What if I like those shirts??'

'Oh well then '

'Your grade might drop a bit then '

'Not cool'

'Well, it's not my fault your a horny teenage boy'

'Yeah I know. But ur the one making me horny smart one -.-
.-. '

'I wasn't aware that I was capable of that
Thanks for telling me'



'Idk why, but I don't like u right now .-.'

'Maybe you're just sexually frustrated, you should go fix that'

'Fix it'

'And how would I do that?'

'Just fix it :p'

'Fix what? lol'

'Ur no fun to flirt with '

'Well the only other person I've tried to flirt with broke up with me so that's logical'

'Ur no fun m8 .-.'

'At least I tried. Sorry'

'.-. No fun m8'

'Well how can I be fun then'

'Idk. Think outside the box '

'Well, that hasn't worked so far now has it? lol'

'Hmm. Then just do unexpected things. lol'

'How unexpected?'

'Unexpected Lol'

'Enlighten me on how unexpected you want me to be'

'Just do things no one thinks u will do'


'Yup. lol'

'You realize how vauge that was right? I could say anything'

'Yes. I know how vague that is XD'

'You really trust me to say anything?'

'What do u mean?'

'Lol nothing important, just seeing if you know how unpredictable I can be'

'I just didn't get what u said?'

'Lol oh whale'

'Wow XD'

'I'm different XD'

'Yup. Pretty much .-.'

'Well I did one thing right XD'



'But I don't want to?'

'Well then I guess you'll never know'


'Maddy will tell you no problem lol you should ask her'

'Why don't u tell me '

'Bc you'll get mad that I'm using it against you lol'

'Just tell me'

'That raging boner you got -Maddy'

'It wasn't raging?'



'That's hilarious XD I can't believe you actually had one'

'Yeah, cause I was thinking of things I shouldn't have.-.'

"He's so into you" Maddy said reading everything.

"Ha, I wish." I replied, as we walked to the game which started soon. "That was funny though"

"Yea it was!" Maddy said while laughing.


Kinda sucks, I wrote it in less than an hour lol, thanks for reading!

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