The Blonde Man

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Nuclear Fallout made the air look misty and the clouds become black. The water was clear and full of fire and ashes. The world was cracking from the missiles that came out of no where. Although i don't know how the earth looks now i still have a clear idea from the things i have heard.

I sit down on the couch with my purple gown with lace toward the bottom of the dress and my white long cardigan. I hated the dress a-tire but i didn't care because i was still alive.
It's been months since i've been outside and i've been stuck with people who always moaned about the food. But something felt different about today since yesterday the alarms went off and it never does.

Everyone sits in the room blabbing about there everyday life's like we've already heard a thousand times.

Ms Venable walks in the room and slabs her walking stick on the floor to get everyone's attention. "We have a special guest." she says while trying to not make us question. She stands there smiling for a few minutes until i hear foot steps coming from the hallway.

A tall mysterious men with long blonde locks and a black velvety coat walks in. His bright blue eyes and victorian styled rings make my mind go crazy into curious thoughts.

He stares at Ms Venable deeply almost as if he was talking to her without actually talking. She looks at him and nods. She moves quickly over to the side as this man steps forward and looks at all of us to get our eyes focused.

"Who is this?" I say wanting to know because my heart desires to uncover this secret

"Michael and i am part of the cooperative." he says as it takes me breathe away his voice captures me in a hold and wont ever let go.

"I'm not going to sugar coat the situation... Humanity is on the brink." he says as he moves his eyes to face me and smirks. We keep in contact and it reassures me, it makes me feel like i am safe to stare. He looses contact so he can talk more to the rest of the people.

"There is a new outpost, i have been sent to determine if any of you are worthy and for to join us."

"You don't have to sit for questioning." Michael says as he passes his eyes toward me again ti stare into my eyes.

"What if some of us don't want to do the interviews?" Andrew says i scuff who doesn't want to finally get out of this outpost to get new food and new whereabouts, I will gladly take this time and have the interviews just to at-least get to this new outpost.

"Then you sit here and die!" He says with a toned voice almost demanding us to take these interviews.

Andrew nodes with a bit of fear. His eyes twinkled as he realized that this is a way to get to a new outpost a way to be free from the block of food we are served every night.

"I'm looking forward to meeting every last one of you." He smiles and walks out of the room as he taps my shoulder. I look back to see him smirking then he fades into the dark filtering of the hallway.

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