Chapter 13 - He Came Back

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Chapter 13 - He Came Back

Also I forgot to say about 7 chapters back but I want to thank MargaretSohier for coming up with the assassin name for Percy. Thanks for that.


Percy POV

I walk down the busy streets of New York, aware of the two assassin watching and following my every move. I plan to see my mum, but how can I break the news to her? I can't tell her what happened, she maybe the best person on this planet but could she forgive that?

I deliberate this in my head while trying to escape to watchful trail of my two new 'friends'. I get on and off subways, dart in and out of alleyways and jump in cabs at random points. After about two hours of random going round I lose them.

I dart to my mum apartment, and rush up the stairs to her door. I freeze.

What do I say? She probably thinks I am dead. Is she better not knowing? But what if she sees me on the news and thinks she is going mad? What should I do?

Shut up, Percy, I think. She is your mother and will be over the moon to know you are alive, but she might want to kill you for not telling her earlier.

I muster up the courage and knock on the door. "One moment, dear." That's not my mum's voice. Who is in her flat?

The door clicks open and a small old woman is standing there. When she sees me she freezes and stutters, "W-what do yo-you w-w-want?"

I step back and say, "I am not going to hurt you but I am looking for the woman who owns this flat, Sally Jackson."

With more confidence she replys, "I am so sorry but she doesn't live here any more, after the tragedy with her son she could bare it."

I wall of panic and pain starts in my chest, I am the reason she moved. She thinks I am dead, how much pain did I put her through? "Do you happen to know where she moved to?" I ask, sadness clear in my voice.

"Sorry son, I don't. I know it wasn't out of the state but more than that, sorry."

I give her a small smile and thank her for telling me that much. As I leave the building I wonder how I will find her? I could ask around but that is unlikely, then it hits me. Paul will still teach at the school.

I race down the streets and avenues all the way to Goode High School, praying Paul with be there.

I run to the reception area and as the young woman at the desk were I might find him. She studies me before replying, "He is in class right now, but I will call him if you want."

"Can you please? Tell him it's urgent family business." I rush out.

"Alright, alright give me one moment." She gets up and exits from the door at the back leaving me in a state. What will say to him? Will he believe it me?

3 minutes later she returns with a man I recognise behind her. I smile and say, "Long time no see Paul."

He stares at me in complete shock before running at me. I was worried he might punch me for a second but he enfolds me in a tight hug and whispers, "I can't believe you are alive, your mum and me were so worried." Finally releasing me.

"Where is mum? I haven't managed to find her."

"Wait here, I'll be back in 5 minutes then I'll take you to her." He hugs me one more time still dazed before running off somewhere.

Sally Blofis POV

I look across the skyline of New York and stare out at the sea beyond, from the window behind my computer and wonder, where is my little boy?

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