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The story starts in an empire long time ago, where an ordinary king and queen ruled the land.  Surely they lived happily. With their citizen's support and appreciation, nothing could ever go unexpectedly wrong. The little princess named Silvanna, who was only about four years of age, brought so much joy in the empire. Her silver-white hair had always glow bright in the rays of sun, as she ran across the corridors and out in the garden. She was also interested in magic, which made her parents certain she would grow up to be a powerful future queen, and woman.

Years later, the queen was carrying another child inside her. They believed it to be a son, which was what Silvanna had always wanted; to have a little brother. It was true indeed, and the king was in glorious excitement when the baby boy was introduced to the world with a warm welcome. Their people cheered in honor of the new prince, and they all put their widest and happiest smiles on their faces. It was one of the best times of the royal family's lives.

The queen wanted her baby boy to become a mighty, incomparable warrior in the empire, just like her husband, king Aurelius II. Hence, she named him Aurelius III. She looked at her son, gently kissing his forehead. His skin was as white as snow, and his smile—the purest of all—truly did outshone all the other lights in the castle. He would be the Moniyan Empire's future king, and the king and queen couldn't imagine anything better than that. They wish for nothing but happiness in their children's lives, and they swore to the gods that nothing could ever harm them and the empire.

The king and queen were right, indeed. Nothing dangerous did harm them. The empire lived in blessed days for a year. It was Prince Aurelius II's first ever birthday, and the king and queen as well as the princess couldn't wait to celebrate the birth of a future king. However, before anything started, they found nothing but blood stain and large scratches in the baby's bed. Dead bodies of the empire's guards were found, trying their best to protect the baby. The king and queen couldn't believe what they saw. Their baby boy was gone, and Princess Silvanna cried for days and nights, thinking where her little brother could be.

The king demanded his Imperial Knights to search all over Land of Dawn for his missing son, and the queen as well as the princess was in their deepest sorrow. The people of the Moniyan Empire thought the prince was dead, but some hoped he was still alive somewhere. On the other hand, the knights searched their best, high and low, but they found nothing. All hope for the empire had fallen apart.

From this day forward, nothing was going right. The queen grew severely ill, and the princess had to be by her side at all times. Her beautiful face was pale and sad, and Silvanna kept dropping her tears in her mother's cheek. The king had to rule on his own, but no smile nor joy went across his face. He tried his best to rule, but the villages and cities were in great chaos, let alone having to take care of his sick wife. They were all hopeless as misery filled their lives for a long period of time. Their poor baby boy was most likely killed by the abyssal demons. The princess was the empire's only hope, but what was to be done? What could a woman alone do to protect all parts of it?

Years passed, Silvanna grew to be a fine and beautiful princess of the empire. The king had to fall due to his age, and the queen passed away because there was no cure for her illness. Silvanna was certainly admired by her people, but it was not enough. She couldn't just sit down while her Imperial Knights fought for her. She wanted to do more for the empire and her people. Her parents had left nothing but sorrow and hopelessness, but Silvanna did not complain, nor did she blame anyone. She witnessed and experienced the empire's fall, and she wanted to restore everything to pay her parents' debts. Despite being the true heir to the throne, Silvanna disregarded her title as a princess on her coming-of-age ceremony, and joined the training on becoming a knightess. It was a difficult choice for her indeed, but her decision was bold. She had to fight for the sake of peace and glory.

On the other side of the world, deep down in the foreign crack of the abyss, a queen of blood was impatiently waiting for her demons to return with the empire's newborn baby. On her massive throne filled with pure fire and blood, the abyssal queen, Alice, watched as her blood demons returned, carrying an unconscious little baby along the way back to the abyss. Alice put out a loathsome grin on her bloody lips, showing her shining white fangs. Her magenta eyes lit in villainous joy. She was a devil, indeed, her unbelievably strong red wings flapped wildly as her evil mind wandered about sadistic thoughts of whatever it was she might do to the poor baby. She was proud of what her blood demons did, and as she touched the vulnerable child, his eyes that was once as blue as the sea, was now transformed to malicious dark magenta, just like herself. Prince Aurelius was no longer alive, for Alice had decided to completely change his name.

"Aurelius doesn't sound like an abyssal demon, don't you think so, my Queen?" said an abyssal witch.

"No, it doesn't," Alice said.

"So, what will you name him?"

Alice observed him, thinking what name could be owned by an evil abyssal boy that would be a great warrior of all the demons. His little soul was now filled with evil darkness, and Alice believed he would be the best ally she ever had.

"Dyrroth," she declared without looking at anyone else. "and he will be my prince."

[ author's note; here's the prologue for you! i hope my story sounds interesting enough. i apologise if it's a bit short, i'll try to make my chapters longer than this. if there are any suggestions or comments, please leave some. it would help me a lot, y'know. thank you for reading! and please, stay home & safe <3 ]

xoxo, cel.

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