Dairy of a broken dad

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(Y/n)- "they were the original justice league. Fighting in WW2... but once the war ended, the destruction came afterward and I was forced to leave. Each universe I went to.... incinerated, beyond recognition. Each world, each galaxy. Gone! Every version of me! Moriah! The League! The titans! DEAD! They DIED and I couldn't do a GODDAMN THING!"

His started to clench his fists and his red ring started to light up. His eyes changed to a blood red. I put a hand on his fist and she looked at me. His eyes started to changed back to their normal color.

He took off the helmet and placed it on to the table. Krypto flew to his side and laid his head on dad's lap. Dad started petting him.

(Y/n)- "I'm sorry for what happened."

He hugged me and I hugged back.

Moriah- "it's okay. We're fine."

Later to Dina


A noise from the training room caught me attention. I opened the door and saw (Y/n) training with Tim.

Tim- "what?! How?!"

We locked eyes.

Tim- "Dina look at this."

I entered as Tim grab a staff.

Tim- "on my mark. You ready?"

(Y/n)- "just do it."

He smacks him in the face with the staff but (Y/n) had no reaction. Hell the staff itself was what was broken. I checked his face and saw not even a red mark.

Dina- "now that's just cheating."

(Y/n)- "not really. I have to flex for it to work properly."

Dina- "hey you're out of the costume. Is that helmet free from you?"

(Y/n)- "no, there's still a mental link between Nabu and I."

Dina- "oh."

Tim looks at us and says.

Tim- "yeah. I'll be off now. I have a date to go to."

He runs off and leaves the two of us alone. We stare at until he grabs two staffs and a blindfold. He tosses one of them to me and asks.

(Y/n)- "care for a spar?"

I hold it up and say.

Dina- "always."

He smirks and puts the blindfold on. He spins the staff and somehow manages to get into position. I rush him and go for a leg sweep but he guards it. What baffled me was that he only used one hand. I go for a jab but he blocks it again.

Thoughts- 'how is he doing this with one arm?!'

I used the staff to fling myself upward and I caught him with an aerial attack. He side stepped and I landed without even grazing him. To continue the momentum I'd built, I went for everything I could but he blocked all of it. I went for one last overhead swing. But when he blocked it, the staff broke.

Thoughts- 'nows my chance!'

I tried to jab him but somehow he caught it, snatched it from me and tripped me with it. With a deep breath, he took off the blindfold and looked at me with unfulfilled eyes. He reached out to help me up and I took it.

Dina- "when and where did you learn how to do that?"

(Y/n)- "Shaolin monastery. It took me 50 years to learn how to do that."

I smile and stare into those mysterious eyes. Completely dull, almost dead. Bruce has eyes like this but not to this degree. I hugged him, my hands running through the rough and scarred skin on his body. It almost felt like time had slowed down at this very moment. He hugged me back and I could hear his heart, beating at a consistent rate. It was so soothing in fact that I almost found myself falling asleep to it. I looked into those eyes once more and leaned in. He did the same. The distance between us had gotten shorter and shorter until we finally met. It was for a second but then....

Moriah- "dad. Alfred says it's dinner time."

He looks to his daughter and nods. And thanks me for the training and leaves the training room. I chuckled nervously and watched as he left. With a sigh, I cleaned up the place and left as well.

To Moriah

Moriah- "hey dad, I have another question?"

(Y/n)- "that being?"

Moriah- "who was that guy in the suit with the white wings like yours in that one picture?"

He stopped a d chuckled.

(Y/n)- "a ummmm...half brother I suppose you could say. He's also half the reason I have this."

He held his hand out and a translucent blue lance appeared.

Moriah- "cool!!"

(Y/n)- "yes indeed."

It disappears.

(Y/n)- "now how about we go eat?"

Moriah- "ok!"

We both left the bat cave and went up to the manor.


('I don't have much to say so.....meh.')



Somewhere far in space, a skull shaped spaceship blazes past stars and planets in search of one thing. The being on the ship sits on a chair as wires begin connecting to his head and arms.

???- [the destruction of Krypton B has killed off the evolved kryptonians. But one still lives. Only three of them are left in this entire galaxy. Set a course to earth.]

The ship recognizes the order and then heads toward earth.


Bye bye

My kryptonian daughter part 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz