Tomorrow (Alex^^)

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*beep beep beep*
I have no idea what the date is but I know it's the first day of school. First day of my senior year. Nice. I Get out of bed, stretching my arms to my back. I rub the back of my neck and feel that I have a trail of sweat on my hand now. I yawn and stand off my bed heading for the door.
"Yo morning."
"Mornin Alex."
My friends Malcolm and Caleb are already up and moving around. Usually they don't get up around the same I do, considering they are in college.
"Hey guys."
"Any plans today?"
"Cmon malcom. You know he doesn't ever have plans."
"You're right. He'll be home to watch the game with us."
I don't know if you caught on but I'm not that social. I don't go out. I don't bring girls home. I'm a VIRGIN. I'm just...Quiet. My dad always told me emotions are for pussies and as a 12 year old boy... I believed him. Except now to this day I still haven't smiled around anyone. Not the boys. The teachers. No one.

I head for the bathroom. I open the door and close it behind me. Stumbling toward the mirror. I play in my hair thinking to myself  'maybe I am too much of a loner' No. No I've been just fine up to this point. 'A girl would be nice eh?' I wish I could turn these voices off. But I can't help but listen. A girl would be nice though. I hop in the shower letting the water fall in my hair down my neck and face. Going all the way down my back.

When I get out I dry my hair. It becomes fluffy and soft. The usually style. I wrap the towel around my body and walk back to my room. Throwing on some black ripped jeans, and a nice little hoodie I bought last week. I don't think I need a shirt. I checked the time and see that I have an exact 3 minutes to get outside. I throw my vans on and head out the door. Down the steps and to my bus stop.
-pulling up at the school-

The bus pulls up to the school and immediately out my window I spot a girl I've never seen before. Next to one I've seen PLENTY of times. She's got an indie style. I like it. She has this "I don't give a fuck" look. I don't know. I dig it though. I stand up to get off the bus and of course I get interrupted by the blondey, the perky, the one and only.
"Heyyyy Alex."
"No Deanna. Move."
"Cmon Alex. We've talked about this. Your the most popular boy, I'm the most popular girl. We were made for each other."
"I'm still going with no."
She growls as I push her aside and head to my first class. Algebra. I honestly don't think anyone fucking likes algebra. I surely the fuck don't. I head to class and immediately see the brunette who was next to the girl in the bus dock. So I help my self to the spot next to her.
She swings around in shock.
"Omg. I would've had a heart attack had you did this last year. I'm lesbo now"
"Cool. Who's the girl you were with a second ago?"
"So her name is Ivan."
"Yea but-"
"Get her to notice me."
I get and head back to my usual seat. The back right corner 'Ivan'  I like the way it rolled off my tongue. I could only imagine... whispering her name under my breath. Saying it to tease her. Yelling her name while we-
"Hm? Oh shit sorry."
"Please focus. What's the answer to number 2?"
"How am I supposed to know. I wasn't paying attention."
"Alex. Please step out into the hall."
I get up and walk out with hesitation. I sit in the hall and I look to my right and a guy I've seen before is also getting kicked out.
"What you'd do?"
"All I did was laugh at the new girl."
"Yea. Her, she was asked to introduce herself and dude when I tell you she cracked the whole class up by saying "I'm Ivan, I like cooking, hallelujah"
Interesting. She's sexy and funny? Maybe this is the girl my mind was telling me to go after this morning. 'The girl' I need. The girl I want. I believe in fate and this... this is it.

-at lunch-

I don't eat the school lunch. It's all processed foods. Really gross and unhealthy. So I usually bring a Gatorade around with me. I stand near the exit hoping Ivan walked out of it. I wait about 20. Minutes and i start getting impatient, feeling stupid. I look around hoping to see the brunette and when I spot her... I also spot Ivan. Sitting across from her laughing at their conversation.

Her pearly white teeth glowing under the lunchroom light. Her hair looking glossy. The few rings on her fingers also beaming in the light. I stare and fantasize but then she looks up at me. And I'm sure I startled her because the moment she looked up she looked away and stopped smiling. She glanced again and we made direct eye contact. It was so hot. Too hot. I felt an erection forming. I sipped my drink tossed it and walked out the cafeteria. To... handle some business.

After school I do some... research. I head to the office and go through the parent sign up sheets in which I find the one Ivan's mom filed last week. I dial up her number.
"Hello Mrs. budeeà. This a student from Ivan's school. A friend in which you may ask. I just wanted to know if you could get her to come to the corner store. Don't tell her I asked you to send her."
"Oh geez. Ivan's making friends? Of course. Yes of course I'll send her. This is amaz-"

*call ended*
-at the corner store.-

I sit on a barstool next to the cashier. An old friend of mine. I sip my new bottle of Gatorade. Patiently waiting for Ivan's arrival. Crazy as I may seem. I don't know how girls work. I don't know how to flirt of even just... talk to one. Unless I have a question. I look at entrance and see Ivan. With leggings. LEGGINGS. I've seen hella girl in leggings my whole lifetime. But now. Now i get the hype. I lick my lip and stand up making my way towards her.

"Yo. Are you a stalker or some shit?"
"I'm not a stalker.
"I'm getting very much stalker vibes."

I get mixed up in her words and all I can focus on is her mouth. The way her top lip is flat topped. The way her pearly white teeth show when she's talking. I lean closing to her and I can see her face go red. I love it. God I fucking love it. I stop thinking and I asked her to walk with me. I don't know where but I did. And we did. We walked. And barely talked. Up until the point I asked her to come over.

I let her meet the guys and they.. they were pretty shocked to see me with a girl. But there was no shock that I still hadn't smiled laughed, or even grinned if that. I guess I scared her off when I stared at her as she stood there because she left. I wasn't gonna stop her. But before she left she said I wasn't her friend. Kinda turned me on not gonna lie. I'm sure why tho. But yea. That's what happened today. Wonder what will happen tomorrow..

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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