Silver is the New Gold!

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Fifteen years have passed since Willy Wonka had showed five lucky children his factory. However only one of them would be his true heir. Charlie Bucket is now twenty-six years old and taking over the factory is now his job along side his mentor.

As for Willy Wonka, he was now being able to interact with people, with the help of Charlie and the Bucket family. But he still held that crazy and outspoken disposition that everyone in the factory knew so well.

Today, however, the amazing Chocolatier didn't seem like his usual perking self. It was almost noon and Charlie had yet to see him smile, instead he had a sad and doubtful look on his face.

Charlie didn't question it at first, thinking he was just having a bad day and tomorrow would be better. It had to be, right?

Charlie was wrong, very wrong.

The next morning, when Mr. Wonka didn't show up for breakfast, the young man knocked on his office door. There was no answer, then Charlie heard the strains of a movie score coming from Wonka's bedroom.

Charlie slowly walked in and found his mentor seated on the bed in his red velvet pajamas. His eyes were glued to the television screen which showed a man and a woman in a heated argument.

"I'm in love with you!" The man on the television said to the woman.

The woman slapped him. "Snap out of it!" She said.

Charlie recognized the film, it was a 1987 film called Moonstruck. But why was Mr. Wonka watching it? Charlie looked beside him and found a stack of old movies all of them were of the Romantic drama. Breakfast at Tiffany's, Love Story, Titanic and even Edward Scissorhands.

"Uh... Mr. Wonka?" Charlie asked.

He didn't answer, he was still immersed in the argument between Cher and Nicolas Cage's characters onscreen.

Charlie waved a hand in front of his face, he didn't seem to notice.

Charlie tapped him on the shoulder and finally he turned to look at him.

"Oh, Charlie!" Willy jumped "When did you get here?"

Charlie shrugged off the odd question. "Are you alright, sir?" He asked his mentor. "You seem a little off lately?"

Mr. Wonka sighed. "Charlie... what do you know about love?" The Chocolatier asked him.

Charlie stared at him like he had grown an extra head. "Uh... well, you know, I'm single and... um..." He struggled to explain affairs to the heart.

"Charlie, I want to know what love is" Wonka told him.

Charlie bit his lip to keep from singing the lyrics I want you to show me...

"I mean, it seems like there's somebody for everybody" Willy went on "so there has to be somebody for me, right?"

"Sure!" Charlie nodded enthusiastically.

But knowing Willy Wonka, that might be a bit of a long shot. Sure, he was a good man and a trustworty person, but there was a certain odd demeanor to him that some women would find alarming.

"Maybe I should start a profile on a dating site?" Mr. Wonka said, thinking out loud. "No! Wait! I'll let the women come to me!"

"How so?" Asked Charlie, both fearful and curious to see what he was planning.

"Remember my plan to find an heir?" Willy asked the young man.

"Of course" Charlie nodded "What about it?"

"We'll revamp that plan and this time the winners will be five women! They'll stay a week at the factory until I connect with one of them!" Mr. Wonka seemed excited just by the mere thought of it.

"It might just work" Charlie said "But just don't rush into anything."

"When have I ever rushed into anything?" Willy asked.

"The Great Glass Elevator?" Charlie suggested.

"I run into the Great Glass Elevator, not rush" corrected his mentor "but just to make sure I don't rush into the idea, I'll sleep on it! Goodnight Charlie!"

"Sir, it's nine a.m" Charlie told him.

Willy looked at his alarm clock. "Oh, what do you know" he smiled "I'll meet you in the inventing room in five minutes!"

"Yes, sir" Charlie said, leaving the room.


Over the next week, Charlie helped Willy put his plan into action. They created metallic Silver Tickets and placed them in five differant Wonka bars. They also sent out world-wide announcement's and soon the media went crazy as did women across the world. Much like the Golden Ticket craze of 2005, the Silver Ticket frenzy of 2015 was extremely out of control!

Single women everywhere were stepping over their own mothers to get their hands on a single Wonka bar. They shoved, pushed and wrestled their way to buy case after case of chocolate.

In London, England shops that sold sweets were overunned with women young and old! In Paris, France one shopkeeper named Madame Bijoux, who was unlocking the door's to her shop, Madame Bijoux boutique de Bon-bon's, was trampled by a crowd of women. And in Chicago, Illinois, one woman hit her own sister with a Chicago Cubs baseball bat just to get the last Wonka bar in stock at a store!

In retrospect, the Silver Ticket frenzy of 2015 was worst then the Golden Ticket craze of 2005! Turns out women were much rougher then they looked!

Willy and Charlie kept a close eye on the news after they sent out the tickets. They were both amazed and terrified at the sights they saw!

That afternoon, Mr. Bucket was at work and the grandparent were at a doctors appointment. Mrs. Bucket came into the Bucket house and looked at the television screen.

"Boys, I leave for a few measly minutes and you change the channel to wrestling!" She told Charlie and Willy "Change it back to the news!"

"This is the news!" Willy shuddered "their covering the Silver Ticket frenzy again!"

"What?" Mrs. Bucket asked, watching as a woman body-slammed another in New York City.

"Oooh!" The three said, watching the sight.

"We've created a savage league of monsters!" Charlie said, scared "Horrid, bloody, savage, female monsters!"

"I know!" Willy nodded "it's like the Women's World War I! On the plus side, the first ticket should be found soon!"

"This just in! The first Silver Ticket has been found in Atlantic City, New Jersey by a woman named Clarissa Clump!" The anchor man on the news reported.

"Wow! What a coincidence!" Willy said "or is it...?"

"The television isn't like the telephone, sir" Charlie informed him.

"We'll have a full report on the first Silver Ticket winner after this commercial message!" The reporter said.

Willy, Charlie and Mrs. Bucket could do nothing but wait in anxious silence for the update on what could be one of the future possible Mrs. Wonka's.

AN: Hope you enjoyed it! And remember, votes are sweet, but Comment's are sweeter!

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