We lock hands and walk around for a bit looking at the wildlife. After we indulged ourselves with this landscape, we get on our horses and ride over to the lake.

I spotted him. "He's down there making uuhh... moonshine I think."

Lith finally sees what I'm talking about. "Ohh okay let's go catch us a bad guy." we ride down there to him.
We Hop off our horses. Lith ask, "are you ricky?"

He looks at us. "Sure who's asking pretty boy?"

Talking to lith like that pissed me off to no end. "I am, PRETTY BOY."

He walks over. "I don't know who the hell yall think you's is coming on my land and saying whatever yall please but I'm gonna teach ya a lesson."

He kicks me right in the knee which totally stops me in my tracks and grabs lith around the neck and puts a gun to his head. Fuck I can't move... Damn

Ricky the crazy man is angry and has nothing to lose, "your a little cutie ain't ya." He licks the side of Lith's face

When I get my hands on this guy. "I'm gonna fucking kill you come here."

"AT AT AT you move, I blow his brains everywhere. Actually I don't care i'll kill this little bitch and then you."

"Say goodbye to your pretty boy."

Lith is going to die if I don't do something. "No please wait mister I don't want to die please hun Don't let him kill me."

Ricky the crazy man's cocks his six shooter and whisper in lith's ear, "maybe I'll shoot your boyfriend and then make you my little bitch."


"I change my mind I'll just kill the both yu's."

Once again everything stops except me. The dust particles lay still in the air. Lith's tear drop doesn't quite hit the ground. I can't lose lith I love his cute ass. I didn't come this far to lose him. This bastard isn't going to hurt MY FUCKING LITH!!!. everything starts moving again. I focus on a point draw my gun and BANG!!............ a body hits the ground.

My eyes are closed. I'm afraid of what I'm going to see when I open them. All I can think about is (please let lith be alive please please). Oh god I can't do it ahh fuck it. I open up my eyes and there's lith...

Lying there.........................

Scared out of his little mind. I rush as fast as I can to him and scoop him up I'm my arms. "Oh my god baby your okay, your okay, I'm here." I probably hugged him for 25 minutes.

I set him down. "Let's get out of here babyboy."

Lith is less confident and very sad. "But the bount..."

"NO LITH!! I'm taking you some place safe no arguing!"

I scared him and made him jump. Which broke my heart. "Shit Lith, I'm sorry sweatheart come here"

He walks over to me crying. He hides his face in my chest.

I hug him tight. "I'm sorry for yelling. I promise never to do it again I just want you to be safe baby."

Lith lightend up a little bit. "you promise?"

I smile, give my little babyboy a kiss, and pet him on the head.

Lith is at least happier now, "I just want to leave okay?"

We get ready to leave. Lith rubs his arm nervously. "Umm... can I ride with you instead. I feel safer with you."

I smile, hop down, and help him up on the horse. "Let's go baby."

On the way to where ever it is we're going lith ask, "can we stop and camp here I'm tired?"

"Okay darling we will stop here. I'm tired as well."

He hops off, I ask him to sit down, and I put the tent up and get inside.

I jokingly yell, "Am I going to have to sleep all alone in this comfortable tent?"

Lith comes in, "I didn't know you were done I'm sorry."

"Baby you don't need to aplogize okay just come here and snuggle with me."

Lith is very happy to do that,"okay"
Lith is uncomfortable "I don't like laying like this laying on you. Here, lay on your side and let me get on my side so I will be incased by your body."

I'm confused. "But you love laying on my chest."

Lith recants with, "yes but I feel much safer like this."

He starts to tear up. "I just want to feel safe."

I love him so much. "You should always feel safe with me I will always protect you I mean I haven't let you down so far have I?"

Lith smiles and plays with his lip. "No you haven't?"


AHH COME ON MAN. "Everytime I try to go to sleep. What were we talking about for the new door to appear?"

Lith thinks for a moment. "Oh yes being safe."

I'm so confused. "Where could the door possibly lead, we might as well go check it out."

We both curiously get up and go outside. The door is huge, the frame and the knocker is made out of gold, and the handle is a old style kind of handle. "Well this door must lead to something safe so let's do it."

Lith is about as eager as a child on Christmas morning to see what's on the other side. Well you know the drill.




(To be continued)

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