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(Outfit is what she's wearing)

"Cabs will be here in 20 minutes". Yells Pauly. Fuck! I grab the hairspray and finish my hair. I grab my Purple Pumps and put them on. I take a look at my self in the mirror and fix my makeup, hair. "Ooo looking sexy tonight Boo". Says Nicole as she walks in. "Thanks Boo you are too". I say. "Do you think I should do the poof tonight?" She asks. "Totally". I say. She smiles and starts fixing her hair.

**20 minutes later**

"Cabs are here!" Yells Pauly. "Girls lets go". Yells Mike. Me and Jenni walk out of the room and outside to the cab. We get in and shut the door. I was sitting between Jenni and Vinny. Everyone was having there own conversation, while I was talking to Vinny. I'm not gonna lie Vinny was really cute. "I'm from Staten island". He says. I smile. "Where here". Yells Snooki. She opens the door and we all file out of the cab and into a club called Karma. I walked in a Deena pulled me to the bar. She order 4 shots, 2 for the each of us. "Here's to a great summer". She says. "Whoo". I cheer. We down the shot and then the text one. We order our drinks and head to the dance floor. I saw Jenni with her old friend Roger, there probably dating. I was dancing with Deena. I saw Snooki dancing on the stage, Pauly and Mike with some girl. Ron dancing, and Vinny no where to be seen. I grabbed Deena's arm and went back to the bar. We order shot after shot. I was having fun! The last thing I remember before blacking out was Vinny walking up to us.

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