Chapter One

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Arrived at the Pink Palace at last. It has been a long exhausting journey for you and your bum so you decided to rest for awhile but your yellow coat wearing younger sister had other plans.

She handed you your coat then began tugging your arm outside without a word and without a word but a sigh you lazily got out, buttoned up your coat and watched your younger sister head toward a shrub near the garden gate.

"Coraline, what are you doing?" You asked following her.

She reaches for a branch, a forked branch and breaks it off then proceed to remove it's red leaves. She takes a hold of it like a dowsing rod and shows it off to you.

"This. Let's follow it! It might lead somewhere worth looking."

You went beside her and hummed, "All right then, Coraline Jones lead the way." Then off you went to the garden.

'This place feels eerie, and gray, and dump...'You thought while looking around the place you'll be calling home from now. Then you eyes landed on a pond, drained and crumbling.

'Wonder if we could fix this.'

"Look sis! It's a turtle shell. Isn't this awesome?" She showed you an empty turtle shell making you smile and pat her head.

"Definitely, you should take it and maybe we could polish the shell or just display it like that."

She puts it into her shoulder bag. "I like that. Maybe Dad can help us with it."

You think back to your parents who have been busier since their book making you feel bad for Coraline and feel guilty since you also have been a bit busy lately but now that your free you've decided to give her your full attention.

"Sis! (Name)! Big sis!"

You hear Coraline call for you from the back gate. You realized you've been standing there and just staring at the pond. You hastily walked towards where she was and apologized.

"Sorry Cora. I was just thinking of something. So where do you think the rod is taking us?" You asked walking beside her into the path unknown to both of you.

After Minutes of walking you began to notice the sky turning gray. It's building up a storm making you worry. "Hopefully it won't rain while we're outside."

"It won't." Coraline said walking along the path on the steep hillside. You notice her looking at her foot when she stopped walking.

"What do you see?" You ask while looking back at the path where you came from and to her.

She replied. "A rotting w-"

You suddenly pulled her to you when you see a stone roll to where she was standing. You looked up at where it fell from while Coraline calls for whatever made the stone fall.

"Hello? Who's there?"

She held your right hand the one you used to pull her to you.

"It's probably just an animal. Come on let's continue our journey from this unknown land we're in." You watched her pick up a rock.

"Wait..." She whispered to you and threw the rock over the wall of stone making it hit whoever was over there evidence to the cry of pain you both heard.

You were curious and wanted to look who got hit since it sounded like someone young but instead you got pulled by Coraline who gasped and suddenly started running up the trail.

You started running along in case she runs into something dangerous and you didn't want to leave her alone in a place like this.

You both ran until you reach the overgrown orchard and you're almost out of breathe from this activity since all you have been doing from the past days were reading in your room.

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