Regrets at 12:59 AM

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11:17 PM

One Month Earlier

September 10, 2010


    Rubbing. Warm, sweet lips against mine. Eyes closed. Little mumbles of “I love you” and “You’re so beautiful. No, you’re so sexy.” Dark compartment. Most beautiful moment. As far as we will go, for now. Smelling his thick cologne and my sweet mist. All interrupted. Screams of “What the h***” and “MOOOOMM!” More screams and threats. No more phone. No more Facebook, no nothing. At all. What so ever. As if my own life has been stripped off of me, and now I lie here, naked in the life of Ayden Leigh Schroeder...

10:01 PM

One Month Later    

October 14, 2010

    His mouth lightly touches mine… at first. As the minute goes on, he’s full-body mode, leaving no part untouched. We could have gone farther, if people weren’t there. If my best friend I’ve ever had, wasn’t gawking in awe as her oldest friend was making out with her lifelong crush. If his best friends weren’t betting how long, or how far we will go. We will have to save that, for later…

Regrets at 12:59 AMWhere stories live. Discover now