Chapter 21-The 1z

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"No.I made the mess,I'm going to help."

I sigh knowing that she is not going to give this up,"Fine,help with the bottles.I'm going to clean the bathroom."I say.

And we all get to work.

Mamrie is in the kitchen,Grace is in the living room and bedroom,and I am in the bathroom.

Looking for a none-white wash cloth i think,I'm so happy.I'm going to marry her one day.

Finally I find one and wet it down and scrub the floor clear of the brown wet-dry liquid off the floor still thinking about marrying Grace,how I would propose,how we would announce it,how the wedding would look,how cute Grace would look in a wedding dress,where we would go for the honeymoon,and even what I would do to her while we would be there.

I smirk at that last one.Fuck,I need to take care of this tonight i think as i feel myself become needy of Grace.

As I run out of these thoughts I notice what I'm doing right now.This is Graces blood because I wasn't there.Hot tears run down my face and I lean against the bathtub and bring my knees up to my chest burying my head in between them.

"Hannah,I nee-OH MY GOD whats wrong!?"Grace yells running to my side.

"I feel that I wasn't there when you most needed me."I say truthfully.

"Baby,you didn't know any better.You cant read emotions.Emoticons yes,but not emotions."She says getting me to crack a small smile.

"See there is that smile.That smile makes me ten times happier."she says pulling my face closer to hers cupping my face.

"I love you."I tell her after our lips meet.

"I love you to."She says helping me stand back up.

"Lets just forget about this at the moment and come back when we are chill."she says picking me up bridal style.

"I'm supposed to do this to you."I giggle and she smirks at me.

She walks into the living room and sits me on the couch and sits next to me.Mamrie comes in and sits next to me.Laying my head in Graces lap and my feet in Mamries,I feel happy.

I have a amazing best friend and girl friend and i couldn't be happier.

Grace turns on Netflix and asks what we want to watch.

"Camp!"I yell and we all agree on it.

Mamrie goes to the kitchen to grab something to drink when the part that Elise is finding out about Jeff and his cheating ass.

"Suck me."Grace says in unison with Elise.

I look at her and whisper up to her,"Oh I plan on it later."I say with a smirk on my face.

She looks down at me shocked and blushes.

I smile triumphantly and turn back to the movie.But then I notice the sharp breath that Grace takes in.

"You okay?"I ask her looking up and then turning to face her stomach,knowing that will drive her insane.

"Stop Hannah.Mamrie is still here."She says trying to stay calm.

"If you need me to leave I can."I hear Mamrie say walking back in and standing at the end of the sofa.

"No."I say and turn back around to watch the movie.

Mamrie sits back down shaking her head slightly.

We continue watching until Mamrie says she needs to get going right before she kisses Chet..

I laugh at her because I remember her reaction to it when she first watched the movie.

"Oh,Mamrie."I say.

"Shut up.It still weirds me out."

I have to laugh at her because of her watching the movie.She gets weirded out about her make-out session but really into the movie when Jeff is shirtless.

"Anyway,I have to go.Ill text you guys tomorrow or ill be back tonight.So keep your cloths on."She warns and I smirk.

"I cant promise anything."I tell her.

"Eww...Ill call first."She says grabbing her stuff and leaving.

"Well then."Grace says.

"Come on.Lets just take a nap.We have had a long morning."I say pulling Grace with me to the bedroom.

We lay in bed and fall asleep with my arms around Graces chest and cuddling into her.

Right before I fall asleep I kiss the back of her head and whisper-sing "Your the onsie for me."


I am obsessed with Hannah Hart music.

sorry this is so late but if you read my last post you will know why.

I finished writing my One-shot and now i am just typing it so that will be up soon.

Also if you have not seen the commercial that Grace was in the official music video is in the media link.GRACE MAY "NOT" BE ABLE TO SING BUT SHE SURE AS HELL CAN RAP

Qotd:What is your favorite Hannah Hart song?

Aotd:Where your Noms At


Stay Awesome


Shipping(Hartbig fanfiction ft.Troyler,Mamrie,and Chester)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat