

They all laughed at Suigetsu who had screamed like a girl hearing the knock that spooked his soul from leaving his body. Naruto laughed loudly only to step back, and cover his mouth from laughing even more.

"Are you okay Suigetsu?"

Suigetsu turned in his chair catching his assistant who managed to slip into view.

"Jugo next time knock lighter!" He cursed snatching the paper from his grasp.

Jugo blinked rather baffled, but shrugged his shoulders, before leaving his bosses office.

"Anyways, ill let you all go, since I need to start notifying of your knew project make sure you talk to Naruto about it." Suigetsu demanded, before signing off.

The blond arched a brow at the others words, his eyes fell over the raven who's attention was on the Nara who also randomly signed off.

"What project?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke hand gestured to his chair across from his desk. The blond complied taking a seat to lean forward.

"I have my own business where I create watches, I only ever made one for males, but……honestly I just want to fix my reputation around this "third marriage". I don’t want the pubic to think I'm just someone who marries every weekend. It could effect my business, so I want to make it look like I'm committed to my marriage by working on a project with you." Sasuke explained.

Naruto nodded in understanding his eyes couldn’t help, but brightened he always loved creating new projects.

"What do you have in mind?" Naruto asked his voice a bit filled with more joy.

Sasuke tapped his desk, as he really thought on his idea.

"Well….I was thinking like couples watches…..and I'm thinking to have an event for the watches so I looks like I'm really excited for them." Sasuke confessed.

"That sounds so cute!" Naruto cheered.

Sasuke cheeks slightly flushed.


He shook the thought away.

"So, will you help me create the female watch?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto smiled brightly nodding excitingly.

"Yes! Of course!" He agreed happily.

A smile curved those lips he glanced over at his computer.

"Good, well lets get started shall we?"


"You have your own clothes brand!?" Naruto asked happily.

Sasuke nodded for the past two hours they were planning on little details on both watches they could put that would match them. For starters the female watch band was going to be white, so the number on the males watch will be white, and on the females would be black, since the males watch band was going to be black.

It was similar to a yin, and yang sort of design.

"What about a rose?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke arched a brow at the question.

"A rose?" Sasuke asked.

Naruto nodded happily.

"Do you mind?" Naruto asked, as he pointed at the mouse.

Sasuke shook his head emitting the blond to smile. Naruto sketched a rose, and placed it on the corner of the numbers. It was small but made the design unique.

"And we could put them here." Naruto stated.

Sasuke nodded liking the idea. Naruto worked on the other rose making it white for the males. Sasuke was mesmerized by the idea, but didn’t show it his eyes landed on the blond. He saw those pits of blue so bright, and sparkling along with his smile. For the time being that they've been together he hadn't ever see Naruto smile so bright, and as much.


The blond stopped only to face the raven.


Sasuke drifted his eyes away from the blond to peer at the screen.

"N-nevermind." Sasuke said clearing his throat after.

Naruto arched a brow only to hum in response.

They worked on the watch more for the time they wanted to spend on it. On the back of Naruto's mind he thought of the question that Sasuke would of asked him, but decided not to ponder on it so much.


Naruto turned to face the raven who was staring at the screen. Sasuke glanced at his watch only to press his lips together.

"Just five hours, and we are done." Sasuke stated.

Naruto furrowed his brows slightly confused.

"Is that too long?" Naruto asked.

The raven glanced at the blond surprised.

"Too much? I thought we finished pretty quick." Sasuke revealed.

Naruto's eyes widened then soften, he chuckled softly shaking his head.

"Well….you probably take long since you're more of the plain type right?" Naruto asked trying to not sound rude or offensive.

Sasuke could only nod. For the raven having the usual or plain idea for products it only brought him more difficulty he struggled with being creative, and that's why he would get stuck since the watches looked too similar the same or the ones he created only existed.

"Well…..maybe if you want….when you need help you can ask for my help." Naruto nervously offered.


That small word was powerful to the raven it triggered him in every way. The only person that helped him was Suigetsu, but that took a really long time for Sasuke to actually trust him. Every time someone helped he was only be used, backstabbed or the other was hoping they would get a fair share. Those ebony orbs stared into those pits of blue.

No matter how hard or stern Sasuke had to gaze into them he saw no evil. No bad intentions, but the purest ones he's ever seen. They held light, and joy that made his body less heavy.


They came out slowly, and deep down Sasuke got scared he said that. The way the raven said those words were from his heart. The walls he was holding up for so long were crumbling, and that okay was just the rumble of those walls.

Naruto smiled at the response his eyes shifted to the back of them. It had gotten dark so soon. He lifted from his chair softly his hands placed on the back of the seat.

"Well, I'm glad we got this done…..I think I'm going to get a snack, shower then head off to bed…..it's been a long day." Naruto confessed in a soothing voice.

Sasuke nodded in response he peered at the blond, before he went back to his computer.

"Don’t stress so much, and get some rest goodnight."

The raven lifted his eyes catching the blond looking over his shoulder he gave the raven a heart warming smile.

"You too, goodnight." They came out soft yet true.

Sasuke heard the door shut, and once it did he collapse on his desk. He felt so drained, and exhausted yet his body felt so light. He sighed lifting his head from his desk eyes gazing at the door.

'Who exactly are you Naruto?'

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