"What...izzy are with august" i heard her voice crack

"No ma he is still at the hospital and he doesn't no im leaving...where not together anymore and before you think im leaving becuz of him im not i just need to do whats right for me...i love you mom" i hung up before she could convice me to come back

I got on the airplane and headed to newyork

Ive been in new york a 2 weeks and im almost out of money and no one will hire a pregnant teen with no college degree

My friend kila told me about this job at the club so im going to check it out i dont know exactly what imma be doing but im not going to tell them im pregnant just in case that effects my changes

"Im ready kila" i told her

"Alright come on girl" she said

We drove to a club called "ice" we got out and went in

"Come one so you can meet the boss chance"
Kila said pulling me to a room

We went in an a a tall Caramel buff man stood in front of me he was sooo fineee!!!

"Hey im Chance you must be Isabelle" he kissed my hand

I almost melted

"Umm you can call me izzy" i told him he nodded and smiled at me

"So you want a job i hear?" I said

"Yes i never bartended bef-" i was cut off but chuckles i frowned at them both

"Baby this is a strip club you ganna dance for me girl" he said looking me up and down licking his lips

I felt a little awkward after he did that

"Ohh i dont know about that i ne-" i was cut off again

"Shhh baby girl you need the money right so let me see what you got go head on that stage" he pointed out the door to a stage

Kila nodded for me to go

I walked up on the stage "the body" by wale started to play

I closed my eyes and imagined myself dancing for august before ion first time

I walked around the pole twirling my hips i stopped and bent over coming up slowly
As the music continued i got more into it i began to take my shirt off as i came off the stage to chance i pushed him roughly into a chair and straddled him

I moved my hips in a circle on his lap i turned so my back was to him i teased him by moving my hand down to his pants i moved it and whispered in his ear seductively

"Do i have the job chance?" He nodded and i stopped dance walking to put my pants and shirt back on

Kila started to clap

"Damn izzy didnt now you had it in you school girl" she said nugging me

"I didnt either i just felt a spark go through my body and i did what i needed to do" i said

"Thats it your stripper name is sparkle" chance blurted

"Sparkle?" I asked

He nodded and smirked

"Okay...i guess" i said waling out
A month later since i left

Me and chance are kinda a thing i guess he is really sweet and understanding...on night we got drunk well he thought i was drunk and had sex but ever since then we decided to take it slow..he still doesnt know im pregnant so im just keeping it to my self
4 months later

I saved enough money to get my own place a car and everything for my baby girl!

I havent been to the club for a while...chance started to get really controlling he even hit me a few times but i never had sex with him again after the first time today i was going to ends things with him and the club so i can stay stress free for my baby

I pulled up at the club and walked in

"Heyy baby" chance tried to kiss me but i moved

"Chance im done with you and this club im going to just worry about me and my baby" i said unzipping my jack reviling my stomach

"Your pregnant baby...thats great but why didnt you tell me sooner"

"Niggah the baby not your i was pregnant whn i got here im almost 6 months we been togther for 4 and stop calling me baby" i told him

I seen fire in his eyes then it went to like a crazy look "is it a boy or a girl i cant wait till it gts here" he said grabbing my arm tight

I pulled away and ran out to my car and pulled off

That scared me i never wanna see him again

After i had arianna i met susan and she got me into modeling i guess chance seen it and he harassed me he would come to my house modeling gigs and blow up my phone saying "wheres my baby" and shit so i got a restraining order on him

I didnt hear from him for 4 years

Flashback over

What does he want know and how did he gt my number?

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