You're My Perfect Art

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I sat outside on top of the rock that leads down to where we stay. I was watching Hakuzu and Deidara spar against each other. I smile to myself. It was such an adorable sight. I got to see more of what Hakuzu was capable and I have to say.. I am really surprised. There was more talent to the kiddo than I thought would be.

Not only could he manipulate things around him but he can also control people by connecting to the opponent somehow, killing them without killing himself in the process.. One talent kid there eh? There still are more things to discover about him but so far.. I'm really interested.

"[Name] sensei!!" Hakuzu calls my name grinning. I look up at him with an questioning look. "Spar with me?! How about it right?!" Hakuzu asked. I giggle waving my hands and shaking my head no. Deidara grins. "Ah come on, [Name] un! I'd like to see what you're capable of now" Deidara sends me a smirk, placing both hands on his nicely shaped hips. (Gawd >.>)

I blush, shaking my head once again. "N-No thanks maybe next time!" I decline. Deidara pouts. "Right when I thought your art was as fascinating as mines and yet I don't get to see it... hm" Deidara pouts teasingly.

I chuckle standing up on the rock. "My art is fascinating yeah! I'll show you too! Come on, Hakuzu!" I utter, jumping off the rock walking towards Hakuzu. "If you want to see fascinating i'll show you beyond fascinating!" I say, rolling up my sleeves.

"Come at me with all you got Hakuzu!" I tell him, giving him a determined look. Hakuzu nods. "I'll stop if anything goes wrong" Hakuzu mentions. I nod back in reply. I look towards Deidara who had an big grin plastered on his face.

Ha! He's so cocky!.. Still the same from before. I lift my chin up high, showing off my pride and determination. "On your feet! Get ready! Go go go, un!" Deidara shouts air pumping his fist. I laugh quickly slipping out three already made C1's.

Throwing one straight ahead of me, to my left, and the other to my right in case Hakuzu came from each of those ways. When Hakuzu got closer I put up the tiger sign. "KATSU!" I yell, blowing up the small explosions. There was no scream, yelp or anything from Hakuzu.

As the bombs created an wide area of smoke they're was Hakuzu, leaping out of the smoke, revealing those redish-pink eyes, along with a rumbling sound of something coming out the ground. When I look to my left and right, even behind me. Trees were coming in all directions.. No escape you'd think huh? Haha! Don't underestimate me! I may be called The Twin Bomber and show no mercy but I do have my escapes!

Lately i've been making up new jutsus using my clay and wind style but i've never got the chance to try them out. I quickly take out a bunch out C1's throwing them into the air all around me, connecting chakra strings to them.

But these aren't just chakra strings.. They're actually just regular strings that you insert your chakra element into and they react as an element blast.. Haha I made them myself! I put up the tiger hand sign.

"KATSU! I shout. The bombs blew up and the chakra strings bursts like a huge force of wind sending the trees and Hakuzu flying! I mouth fell open, surprised at my jutsu. "That was so awesome! You see that Deidara! my art is better than yours!" I grin, teasing Deidara.

Deidara pouts, folding his arms, looking the other way. I giggle looking at Hakuzu who was getting up from his fall, brushing himself off. "[N-Name] Sensei.. What kind of jutsu was that?" Hakuzu asked, surprised himself.

"Well remember when we were on the road and all those days of spare time we had? I was thinking of new jutsus but never tried them out and just did!" I say. "Ohh.. I see" Hakuzu says. I nod grinning. "We should head in now.. We wouldn't want people finding us, un" Deidara says walking towards me.

"And not bad [Name], un. I guess you are good enough to be called my Twin Bomber, hm" Deidara smirks, walking past me into our small hideout. I frown slightly. "Was that doubt in that?! I'm beyond good enough!" I argue stomping towards him with Hakuzu behind me.

Deidara chuckles putting his hands up in surrender. "It isn't as artistic as my art, yeah" Deidara adds on. I growl. "My art is the same as yours though!" I whine. Deidara smiles looking at me as we reached the bottom of the stairs. 

"Yes it is.. But there is no shown admiration in your art, yeah" Deidara mentions. I tap my chin for a while. "Yeah there is! I just showed it from my new jutsu!" I place my hands on my hips frowning at Deidara.

He laughs, clutching his stomach before flicking my nose. I let out a tiny squeal, covering my nose pouting. Deidara smiles. "You're so fun to tease, yeah" Deidara jumps onto his bed laying down with a sigh.

Hakuzu walks past me yawning. "I'm going to sleep... Years on the road from here to there and less sleep has caught up to me.." Hakuzu utters, walking to his bed and was quickly asleep just like that. I look towards Deidara before sitting next to him on the bed. 

"I hope you know my jutsu I did back there is far more artistic than yours" I tease, laying next to him. Deidara smirks. "Whatever yeah! You obviously don't know anything about true art yeah! Ha you wouldn't know what true art is if it was in your face, un" Deidara says, putting his hands behind his head, looking up at the ceiling.

"But.. Now I finally have my completion of my perfect art collection that i've been missing.." Deidara trails off. I look over at him with a puzzled looked. Deidara looks at me with his sky blue pretty eyes that make you melt in an instance and evaporate with his soft touch.

"My art, neither I was completed with that one piece missing... You are my perfect art, [Name]" Deidara finishes with a light tint of pink across his cheeks. I also felt my cheeks heat up as I continue to stare in his blue eyes.

To hear such words from him.. To hear him says his art wasn't completed and basically wasn't perfect without me was shocking to me.. Deidara's hand slowly made his way to mind, inter-winding his fingers with mine. He pulled me closer to him, letting our intertwined hands loose before one of his arms slipped around my waist and the other firmly onto my head.

"I'm never leaving you again, un..."


OMG! Ha! I know you guys were waiting to be this close to Dei chan! ^-^ I think they're so cute!! Heheh well let's go!- Below!!

>|< omgzies you guys!! I was fan girling so much while writing this... I'm a fan just like you are.. I'm gonna squeeze the life out of Author sama! ^O^

>|< I wonder how I can squeeze the life out of myself though...?

>|<Edited Yah!

>|< Um... Scanned!

>|< Puurfect?..

My Perfect Art (Deidara Love Story Starring You)Where stories live. Discover now