As they entered, Hermione's eyes immediately landed on Lucius, who was sitting tensely on one of the armchairs, his hands clutching the sides as he stared at them with a sneer on his face, a look of disbelief forming on it as he saw how close Draco was to her.

Feeling more than uncomfortable in the dead silence and with two people who absolutely hated her, she had to literally be pushed by Draco as he made her take a step into the room, and guided her to the couch as Narcissa took a seat on the armchair next to Lucius'.

It was a big mistake of bringing me, Draco. It really did begin to worry her as she saw how Lucius' left hand was roaming around the area of his left pocket, where she could see his wand protruding. Now, she didn't know if Lucius actually would go ahead and do anything at all, but the fact that he was in such a close reach of his wand really brought an edge to all of it. You'll be fine. I promise.

His leg was pressed against hers when they sat themselves down, a warmth she gladly accepted as a form of comfort.

For far too long the silence stretched on, his parents seemingly unable to do anything else but stare at the two of them in utmost disgust, and even though they were looking at the two of them, they were careful enough to not make any eye contact with Hermione at all. As if looking her in the eye would mean that they were okay with her being here. Well, she knew already she wasn't welcome without them making eye contact.

"I thought you had something to say?" Draco broke the silence, his voice ringing clear through the enormous room. Under any other circumstance she would have taken a moment out to really look around, and astonish herself with how big a mansion actually is, and how much unnecessary room you have where literally no one will ever live in, but considering the situation she just kept her eyes glued to the flowers on the coffee table standing in between the couch and the two armchairs.

Looking up for a second when Narcissa and Lucius remained quiet, she saw how there was an ice cold expression his mother's face, her lip twitching as she debated on answering or not. "We do indeed." Her words were spoken in a calculated manner, without a hint of any emotion. That definitely was in the family. The well composed poker face that Draco had shown countless of times before as well.

"What in the world are you thinking, Draco?" Narcissa hissed, staring at her son, her voice lowering in such a way as if by doing so Hermione suddenly wouldn't be able to hear her anymore. Or, perhaps she was making an attempt at pretending Hermione wasn't there at all in the first place.

"You'll have to specify, Mother." The latter came out rather strained, and Hermione could feel by the tensing of his body how much difficulty he was having with this conversation. And not to mention his raging thoughts. He was convincing himself that no matter what his parents would say, it wouldn't affect him, he knew that for sure, but he wouldn't deny either that he was scared. His parents were unpredictable, and it wasn't so much his own safety he feared, but hers. He was really beginning to regret bringing her along. "Dating a Mudblood? Draco, I thought we raised you better than this."

Before he even had time to answer, Narcissa continued, lowering her voice even more. "You have no idea what a shame has been brought upon your father at work. No one takes him serious anymore. Do you even know what you're doing to our reputation?"

Draco scoffed, releasing a bitter laugh as his hand balled into a fist next to his side. "I don't reckon that has much to do with what I do, but more with what he has done." He muttered under his breath, but it was loud enough to be heard by his parents in the quiet room.

"How can you even sit next to.. that?" Lucius spoke in an angry whisper, leaning forward into his chair as he glared at his son. Hermione felt a sting in her heart as she was ashamed by the fact that Lucius couldn't even bother to address her like a person.

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