The Snatchers didn't want to give it up so easily, though, but with an outburst of jinxes from Bellatrix, the sword now lay resting in her hands. "Cissy, put the boys in the cellar!" Bellatrix bellowed, and his mother forcefully grabbed Potter and Weasley by the shirts and dragged them away.

"I want to have a little conversation with this Mudblood." Draco swallowed as Hermione was now left standing there on her own, being surrounded by no other people than Death Eaters. Draco didn't dare speak, fearing that his concern for her would give away their situation and make matters far more worse than they already were.

Sharing a quick glance with Hermione, he saw the panic in her eyes as she knew that whatever conversation they were going to have wouldn't be all too friendly. Retreating with his parents into the back of the room, he sat himself down in the chair whilst all the while keeping his eyes on Hermione.

"CRUCIO!" Bellatrix shouted, a rather unexpected move she pulled. Draco flinched as he saw Hermione drop to her knees, tears beginning to stream down her cheeks as Bellatrix hunched over her, grabbing her forcefully by the shirt to demand her where she had gotten the sword.

He wanted to comfort her with words, but knew that nothing he would say would take the pain away. He, himself, had undergone the wrath of the Cruciatus curse before when he ended up not being the one to kill Dumbledore, and he still remembered how painful it had been.

Draco could almost felt her pain as he remembered the feeling; it had felt like thousands of daggers were being slashed into his skin, only to be pulled back out and then slashed in again. And on and on it went as long as the curse was being held up by the one casting it. And so far, Bellatrix hadn't let it go yet.

"What did you and your friends take from my fault?" Bellatrix screamed in her face, and with a vigourous push Hermione was sent to the ground, laying flat on her back. "We didn't take anything." Hermione cried, a horrible fear laced in her voice.

He didn't dare go into her mind and hear all the cries for help that he was sure that she was thinking, even though she must have been very well aware that he wouldn't be able to do anything. That was the worst of all, to sit there safe and sound in his comfortable armchair, his parents next to his side that had their backs turned on the display in front of them, as if it wasn't even happening at all.

It was sickening to see what their family was capable of to get what they want, and it was even worse to have seen how they were so willing to kill anyone lower than them and torture them. And here he was, as a Pureblood and heir of the Malfoy family saved from those fears of being caught and handed over to the Ministry or other Death Eaters.

Sure, the Malfoy name had been mudded ever since his father ended up in Azkaban, but at least they were safe from most of the terrors that were spreading through the Wizarding World.

Draco had to bite his cheek as he felt tears well up in his eyes the moment he focused back on the scene in front of him, watching as Bellatrix had taken out a knife and was currently bringing the blade to Hermione's skin.

A piercing scream filled the air as the knife was pushed into her skin, and Draco had to avert his eyes as he watched Hermione struggle trying to get from underneath his aunt's iron grip, tears washing over her cheeks as more screams followed, each one hitting him to the core.

"Please!" Another piercing scream followed, and Draco dared a quick glance her way to see if his aunt had stopped already. But hunched she had remained over Hermione's arm, the blade ever still carving who knows what into her skin, and Draco focused his eyes outside the window once more.

The screaming seemed to go on for minutes on end, and Draco quickly wiped away the tears that slowly began to fall from his eyes. It was beyond excruciating to not get up out of his chair and throw his aunt off Hermione and get her to stop whatever she was doing. But if he'd do that, she would most certainly end up dead and he would be killed by the Dark Lord himself for caring about a Muggleborn.

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