I'll decide that myself, thanks. She snapped at the voice. Even though she was slightly concerned for his wellbeing – which she tried to desperately convince herself otherwise of – she was still angry with him for so many reasons.

I don't want you here, Granger. As tired as he might have been, there was still such a certainty clinging to his voice. Another emotion was also hinted, but without his facial expression she couldn't pinpoint what that was.

Hermione nibbled on her bottom lip, debating on whether to listen to Draco or to what her gut told her to do. But at last the logic outsmarted her and she turned on her heel, walking down the many stairs of the castle without so much of a backward glance at the corridor that would have led her to where he was.

But every step she took, was as heavy as if weights had been attached to her legs, making every step seem unbearable to take. Everything inside of her screamed to turn back around, to ignore what he said and act out on what she felt was right.

But she couldn't do it. She couldn't bring herself to turn around and go back. In so many ways had she betrayed her best friends already. She wasn't going to add that visit to an already huge pile of lies and secrets.

Not this time.

The days dragged on painfully slow, yet the amount of work they got from their teachers helped her take her mind off whatever it was that Draco was planning on showing her. There was no use in dwelling on it, for it would only provoke more questions than answers.

But when Friday finally came around, she hadn't ever before been so excited for a class to finally end. Tapping impatiently with her fingers on her desk, she constantly looked at her watch, groaning in frustration as the time went much too slow for her liking. Or perhaps that just had to do with her checking her watch every few seconds.

Whatever it was, she couldn't be more gratefully as the bell finally rang, announcing the end of class. Giving the boys a hurried excuse that she'd go to the library, she quickly got on her heels and walked all the way up to the castle, until she reached the seventh floor.

Hermione had purposely not waited for Draco, not wanting to draw any attention to them, and he seemed to have the same plan in mind as it took him a good ten minutes to show up. They didn't need to worry about students walking by right now, for the weather had been taking a bright turn, the sun providing the students some pleasant warmth.

Looking to her right, she watched as Draco closed his eyes, not even bothering to take one look at her. The days spent in the hospital seemed to really have done him good, the sleep he had caught up with was reflected on his face as it was now glowing once more like it used to do.

I need a place where no one will find me. A place where everything shall be hidden. Hermione knew that sentence. She had heard it too often over the months, and was finally pleased as she watched a door appearing at the former blank wall in front of them, allowing them entrance to whatever place Draco had walked off to.

Draco started walking, entering the room with big strides, and Hermione had to make a run for it to make it in time before the door disappeared again. The sight that met her eyes amazed her, and she couldn't help but let out a surprised gasp.

She knew the Room of Requirement was huge, for she had seen it enough last year. But it looked even bigger now when piles of objects were littered around the room. And for a moment, she wished she could add her own pile of secrets and lies to the many objects laying around.

The shuffling sound of footsteps brought her back to what she was doing here, and she watched as Draco headed straight to something in the distance, and upon taking a closer look, she watched as a cabinet came from underneath a cloth he pulled off.

Resentment | DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now