Save me?•(mercenary)

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This chapter is focused on Naib, the mercenary! This just includes some fluff○
I recently found out that most of the characters are in their 20's....
Anyways Naib is cannonly 27, but everyone will be in their teens for this chapter!
He will be 18 and you will be 17

A screech was heard from across the map. Tracy had been knocked down to half health. This made you terrified. The mechanics weak, frail, small body would only crumble if she got hit again. Peoples bones had gotten broken in this game.

Ever since you had arrived at Otelus manor, everyone had been kind to you. Especially Naib. His role was the mercenary, and lucky for both of you, you were in a match. Naib said he would come and find you, as it was your first match. You knew how it roughly worked. Naib was a rescuer, being able to use his elbow pads to move quickly around the place. You were a kiter. You were The swords woman.

This meant that if the hunter tried to got you, you could either block it with your shield or you could strike them with tour sword. I should be kiting, not Tracy!

As you ran over to where Tracy was, you saw Naibs green cloak disappear behind a wall,he must be decoding. You saw Tracy backed against a wall, no where to escape as Leo made her way towards her. "Help me!" She screamed. You had to stay quiet or the hunter would hear you. Just as he was raising his bat to hit Tracy, you whipped out your sword and sliced it along his back, dark red blood oozing down his clothes. He gave a loud Screech and was stunned. You walked around him and grabbed Tracy.

"What were you thinking?! You were supposed to decode! Not put yourself in Danger like that!" You said, concerned. She told you she was decoding but had gotten chased. "Okay, go find Aesop, he should capture your looks to embalm you if you get hurt," you said. She nodded and scampered of.

As you turned a corner, Leo was right there. He looked shocked for a second, then the hunter aimed his bat. Running away frantically, you started kiting him. Using pallets and running around the different objects. Your heart was beating VERY fast and you felt so tired. You screamed as a sharp pain hit your back, leo had hit you in your shoulder blade with his bat. You limped away, running as fast as you could, a trail of blood leading him to you.

Seeing a pallet, you limped over to it. As you were placing it down, Leo caught you in the action and Crushed your arm with his bat. You gave a screech, scream, anything to let the rest of the survivors know your pain. Blood soaked the pallet, and you felt drowsy. The pallet had smashed under the weight. Your shoulder, collar bone and arm were completely shattered. You had gotten ☆Terror Shocked☆. Leo tied you to balloons and you watched over the map, feeling drowsy and dizzy. You could see Tracy and Aesop decoding together, and Naib who was decoding too. That's until he saw you. He looked at you with fear in his eye and screamed. He must have seen the blood-

Leo tied you to a rocket chair. "HELP ME!" you screamed, as Naib screamed back, "Sorry!" What. Why. Why won't anyone save you?! You saved Tracy, kited for them, why? A tear fell down your cheek as you sat there, struggling. Leo chuckled, looking at you darkly. "There is no point. Y'know, that arm does look pretty bad"he said, leaning over the chair to look at it. "Why would you care? Your the one who caused it,"
"Because I am only supposed to stun you, not harn you to this extent"
"I hit you with my sword though"
"I heal immediatly"

Suddenly, Naib was behind the hunter, and he made a face and stuck his tongue out at Leo. "Hey ugly head!" Leo turned around and swung at him, but he hit the chair instead. Naib started to fumble around with the chair parts, and grabbed you and elbow padded away just in time before Leo mad another swing of his weapon. You were moving so fast everything became a blurr. Naib stopped and let go of you.

Terror Shock!☆ Identity  V oneshots (Old)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant