Everyone watches as the three make their way out of the walls. Tubbo was speechless and heartbroken from Puffy words, and seeing his friends leave him.


P-Where are your guys home?

R-Well mine is in l'manburg

t-Mine is behind l'manburg

P-Okay we'll get Tommy's stuff then yours Ranboo




t-Why are you doing this

P-Sigh- you two are children no offense you deserve a good life, and I don't want you guys traumatize anymore, so I am your new mom

R-Oh okay

t-Well I guess pogchamp

The troi made there way to Tommyś house and the three help the blonde packed up. Then they made their way back to lmanburg, passing other people and Tubbo. They arrive to Ranboo house and start packing, then left the vacant place making there way to the walls exit.

D-Where do you think you three are going

The three looked up to face the white smiling mask, Puffy gave the masked man a pissed off look not wanting to deal with his bullshit.

PU-We were just leaving, so bye

D-With them two

PU-Yes I don't see the problem

D-Well I do

Dream jumps off the wall to be facing Puffy as the two teens hide behind the sheep.

PU-And that is

D-Why are you taking a criminal and a man from the presidential

PU-Because there kids Dream and kids don't need to be call that

D-But its true

PU-Yeah but you know what is true, you're a dick and horrible person

D-Oh wow

PU-Yeah its true so if you don't mind we would be leaving

They pass Dream but before they can leave, Dream grabbed Tommy's arm and was pulling Tommys towards him. Tommy yelp at the pain, Puffy turned around to look at the masked man.

PU-What the hell do you think you're doing

Dream let go of Tommy while Puffy made her way over. She raised her hand and slapped Dream, the two boys were speechless.


Puffy turns and ignores Dream, she pulls the two boys with their items out of lmanburg.

PU-I am sorry for rising my voice, we'll be at my home in a couple minutes


Puffy led the two teens into a forest and then a cabin. (I don't know where Puffy lives so I improvise.) Puffy opened the door, putting the boy's things on a comfy couch beside a coffee table. The two look in awe of the cute house, they look around to the living room seeing the couch and table with another arm chair and books on a table with a lamp. To the kitchen that was like any other kitchen, then to the hallway seeing five doors leading into different rooms.

R-This is amazing

PU-It's not that much

t-Are you the only one that lives here

PU-No, me and Niki live here

t-Oh I wonder how Niki is

N-I'm good thanks for asking Tommy

The three turn around to face the brunette with blonde streaks standing on the doorway.

R-Niki hey

Ranboo ran to Niki giving her a hug, Puffy gave her a hug after Ranboo let go, Tommy stayed in his place.

N-Hey Ranboo, hey Puffy

Niki faced the young blonde, who was nervous, she gave him a warm smile.

N-Hey Tommy why so shy

t-It's just I haven't talk to you for sometime

N-Dont worry about it, I just hope you two are getting comfortable

t-Oh we are, thank you for having us

Pu-No problem you two need to have a good home

R & t- Thanks

The two finally get to be somewhere with no war or arguing, they were in a nice and safe home.


Hey howdy, hope you all good and enjoy this.

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