Komainu's birthday

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Today was another day but not a ordinary day it was a special day for Oka because today is Komainu's birthday

"Hmm I wonder if Komainu will like this" she then starts bouncing the tennis ball

"Yeah he'll like this" I was about to purchase the ball till I saw someone, someone familiar

"Phew, Komainu will sure love this" it was Kazuki with a bunch of squeak toy's

"So how much?"

"Ten-thousand yen"

Kazuki went pale

"Please repeat that miss"

"Ten-thousand yen"

Kazuki then took out his wallet and pulled out a ten thousand yen bill

"He's crying" Oka said surprised

"Hey miss you ready to purchase" Oka turned and nodded

"That'll be three-hundred eleven and thirty-five yen" Oka then reached her purse and handed the money

She walked out while Kazuki stayed in the pet store trying to carry the toys

"Komainu you're lucky to have a friend like Kazuki" she said


"Hey Tsukuyumi look at this" Tsukuyumi looked at Kazuki with a raised brow, he saw the ball on his hand

"Is that a crystal ball?" Kazuki nodded to Tsukuyomi

"Sure is lets see what's happening on the real world for a while it's fucking boring down here"

Kazuki then looks threw the crystal ball

"Oh right today's Komainu's birthday" Tsukuyumi looked at Kazuki confused

"Oh right Komainu is a dog I found on my way to Oka's house when we were little, I really don't know what he was doing in the wild but lucky he didn't bite" Tsukuyumi ignored then looked at the ball

"Hey Oka I have somethings for Komainu I was hoping if you could help me" Kazuki said as he was on the phone with Oka

"Okay Kazuki-dono I'll be right there just give me a minute"

"Alright thanks see ya later" Oka hung up first then Kazuki put his phone away

"Well it's almost time" Kazuki sat on his couch with the TV on as he watched a random show about dogs

"I want a dog now" said Kazuki

"Well that's even more boring" Tsukuyumi

"You're right, let's get back to training" Kazuki said as he hid the crystal ball and did his stretches

Oka knocked on the door as Kazuki went and opened it

"Hey Oka" Oka smiled as she saw her Master

"Hey Kazuki-dono so we're the gift" Kazuki let Oka in as she saw a stack pile just like in the store

"Alright, Shrink-Wrap" Oka activated one of her magic spells

"Wow I didn't know you knew spells" Oka giggled

"What can I say I'm a talisman"

"Well Oka I'll be there in a few" Oka nods as she leaves campus and goes back to the village

"Now that those idiots aren't spying on me I'll make sure Kyoto gets the substance"


"So Oka where's Kazuki" John asked

"He'll be here a little late"

"Sound like him" He said

"Okay Komainu here's your gift" Oka deactivates the spell as Komainu came out of nowhere

"*Woof* *Woof*" Oka eyes sparkle

"Happy birthday Komainu" she hugged Komainu and then heard a knock at the door

She went up to the door and to her surprise it was the ninja seeking club members each with a present box

Even Kazuki showed up

"Kazuki-dono, Everyone you came" Oka said as she was delightful with her words

"Sure did, that dog was also my friend" Kazuki said

"Alright, anyways Komainu is just in my room" Once Komainu left Oka's room he locked eyes with Kazuki and he ran up to him

"*Woof* *Woof*" He was extremely excited and jumped on to him and licked him

"It's good to see you too Komainu" Komainu settled down and after a few hours everyone was heading home

Another day survived

Moe Ninja Girls: A Unknown PowerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora