A long ago friend

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Kreek's p.o.v


I wake up from my bed, then I sat down at my computer desk turning on the computer.

"Okay, let's play some Piggy." I said as I yamned.

~10 minutes later~

"What time is it?" I said and then I looked at my watch.

"Oh Crap! I'm late for work!" I yelled.

Then I got out of my pyjamas and took a shower (a quick one) and quickly put on my work clothes on, then ran down the stairs without falling.

~A another 10 minutes later~

As I was running to work, I saw a old lady trying to cross the street, so I decided to help her because why not.

And after we got to the sidewalk the lady thanked me and I said "your welcome."

Then I was on my way...again to work.


"Ow..." I said as I rubbed my head and looked to found out who I chashed into.

"Sorry, it's a guy." I said as I got up and I took out my hand.

"It's fine" said the guy and grabbed my hand.

After the guy got up, I saw the guy have blue hair.

"Oh hey, Forrest but aka KreekCraft." Said the guy.

"Russo! Hey, long time no see!" I yelled

"Yeah." Russo said.

"Shit! I'm SUPER late, I gotta go bye Russo, maybe we can meet up somewhere after I get out of work!" I yelled and started to run.

"Alright, maybe at the pizza place called Freddy's Pizza!" Russo yelled.

"Alright, see ya then!" I yelled.

Russo's p.o.v

Will, it's been a long time I saw Kreek. And I can't blame Kreek, he been busy all of these years after and before we met.

~3 hours later~

As I got to Freddy's Pizza I asked for a table for two. Then now I wait for Kreek.

~A another 3 hours later~

As I waited I saw the door at the front opened then saw Kreek coming in the plaza. And after I waved my hand in the air for Kreek to know where am i.

"Oh, there you are." Kreek said as his Sat down.

"Yep." I said.

Kreek's p.o.v

"So, how are you?" I asked

"Fine." Russo said.

I felt my heart beating so fast when I'm around Russo, but it's been years I saw him.

"Are you okay Kreek?" Russo asked.

I looked away and blushed and I finally said "Yeah."

"Alright." Russo said in a worry tune.

~4 hours later~

"Time for me to go, bye Russo." I said.

"Same here, bye Kreek" Russo said.

As I about to leave I felt a person grabbed my arm.

"See you tomorrow Kreeky." Russo said as his grabbed my arm.

I blushed and said "See you tomorrow."

(DISCONTINUED) It's Been A Long Time - KreekCraft x RussoPlaysWhere stories live. Discover now