1. The Bookstore

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It was your first day at work. You always admired the beauty of books especially gothic novels. It was you first day working in a bookstore. The bookstore smelled like coffee and warm chocolate. You loved it at the bookstore even if it was for half a day. 

You were busy arranging the books in the shelf as Ms. Jones (the owner) asked you to do so. You happily agreed and got to work. Your hair tied up in a loose bun with a pencil tied and loose hair strands falling over your face.

You saw a tall man who looked around you age (23 or so) with a mask on. You took a glance to see who it was and then went back to work. The man went to look around the books and he stopped at the gothic novels category. You looked at him picking up a book titled 'Jane Eyre', you smiled to yourself.

You were always an anxious person and you could never for you life's sake make conversation with a stranger! 

"what if he thinks I'm a weirdo? what if he just ignores me?" Every possible negative thought popped into your head but you decided to speak to him anyway. You hesitantly walked towards him 

Y/n: hey (you said in a low voice unsure if he had even heard you)

The man turned around and even though his face was covered with his mask you could see his black wavy hair falling just above his dark brown eyes. His face a little pale yet so admirable.

Corpse: hey...

His voice took you by surprise but you didn't bother asking him about it

Y/n: sorry I couldn't help but notice you uh.. had the Jane Eyre book in your hand... 

Corpse: ohh yeaa (in a slightly excited tone) I love reading novels like these.... gothic I mean (he sounded a little nervous)

Y/n: So do I (you said with the biggest smile)

Corpse: wow really!? I've uhh have never seen you around here I come by pretty often

Y/n: oh no I just started working here but I come pretty often here in the nights, today's my first day actually (you said with a smile)

Corpse put his hand forward signalling for a handshake 

Corpse: I'm corpse

Y/n: y/n (you said shaking his cold hand). Is that your actual name though?

Corpse: what do you think?

Y/n: I don't think its your real name but its very cool 

Corpse: ah thanks (he said with a smile)

Corpse was an introvert too but he always tried making conversation with people and he liked talkimg to y/n. They continued talking about their favourite books while sipping hot coffee, they spoke and spoke until Ms. Jones came in from her cabin

Ms. Jones: oh Corpse darling you're here...(she said in a loud voice)

Corpse: hi Ms Jones 

Ms. Jones: So I see y/n already met you. Corpse is our usual customer here y/n. Did you find what you were looking for Corpse? (she said in a curious way)

Corpse: oh yes I did, y/n suggested some books for me too..

Ms. Jones: aaah y/n, good work (Ms. Jones was interrupted by a phone call and she rushed into a corner to talk)

Y/n: it was nice meeting you Corpse, I should get to work now..

Corpse: umm I could help you out here? (his voice trailed off)

Y/n: you sure?

Corpse: yea I don't wanna go to my house and be alone again (he said in a joking voice)

Y/n: ofc you could help me with arranging the shelves.

Y/n and Corpse spent half the day taking care of the bookstore and spoke about literally everything. It was like they were destined to meet each other. Time passed by pretty quickly and the bookstore was about to close now 

Ms. Jones: Y/n darling thank you (she handed over the day's wage) and here you go Corpse (she handed him the money)

Corpse: you can give mine to y/n, Ms Jones (he said with a smile)

Ms Jones closed the bookstore and Y/n and Corpse headed out

Corpse: so I guess its goodbye then? (his voice seemingly lower)

Y/n: yea (you said with a slight smile remembering how much fun ya'll had and secretly wished it never ended) 

Corpse: could I.... uh ... possibly get your number (he could feel his cheeks burning up)

Y/n looked up at Corpse with a smile

Y/n: ofc yes...

Y/n gave Corpse her number and they parted their ways. As Y/n walked alone towards her home she couldn't wait for Corpse to text her... "But would he text me?" negative thoughts flooded y/n's mind again but this time she cut it off by remembering how quickly they bonded and Y/ncouldn't stop smiling.


A/n: this was just a light chapter hoped y'all liked it tho and I'm always open for requests so feel free to ask. Love y'all <3

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