episode seven ❣

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Khushi got starlet by their shout.she wondering what happen to them.she look at them with suspicious reaction.all of them scolding their self in mind.then Nani try to cover up.

nani:woo khushi beta you must be tired na.because of your  fashion works,you take rest in home.we'll go to function.

mami:sasuma is right.you should take rest beta.and also you will not like that place.there lot of hustle bustle.

khushi look both of them with unsure.she is not satisfied with their excuse.she try to ask more but that broke by her phone call.she attended and came to know she have some video conference to attempt.she informed that to family.they sigh in relief.they all first time thanked her works.then without waste the time they all left the house.khushi looking their vanish figure with amazing look.she now sure they all hidden something.she left to her room knowing that she will come to know that very soon.

all of them come to arnav house after fifteen minutes.they don't get any problem.their driver stop the car front of  arnav home .they all came down and look around.there lot of people roaming around.some people look at them with amazing look.then they all enter to home.they all come to living room and saw anjali massaging dadi head.in mid way they both talking each other.anjali sense someone there she turn and saw singhania family standing like a army.she shocked to see them.she hurriedly get up and welcome them.dadi also surprised seeing them.she also welcome them and make them sit in sofa.anjali left to kitchen to make coffee.

dadi:(smile broadly)what a surprise.you all come here suddenly without informing us.

nani:(smile)yes sumi.we are just think sometime ago only come here.you don't have problem na?

dadi:devayani what are you saying.i am very happy to see you all here.

then they start to talk.anjali come with coffe and served to everyone.she also take sit beside dadi.all of them talk some rondam thing.and Nani think this is the right time to tell arshi about dadi.her family members also signel her to tell.then she say.

nani:sumi we are come here ask something very important matter.

dadi:(confused)what is that davayani.tell me.

nani:(smile)we are come here to ask arnav beta hand to my khushi beta for marriage .

dadi anjali get great shock after hearing Nani proposal.they both can't believe their ears.did they heard right.they both look at Nani  without blink their eyes.singhania family get worried seeing their reaction.nani think they must be don't like her proposal.

nani:(pleaded voice)sumi please don't say no.you know we  like arnav beta very much.we wish yo see him as our family members.and we want him as our khushi husband.we all think he look great with our daughter.please accept the proposal sumi.you don't have to worry about anything.our khushi very nice girl.she won't   do anything which hurt your family.specially arnav.please sumi.

nani pleaded her.other members also try to make her accept.anjali come out from her shock and look at dadi who still don't say anything.she know which situation in dadi.next second dadi came out from her shock.she smile widely and hug Nani tightly.singhani family shocked to see her long awaited reaction.nani also hug her back and confused seeing her response.then dadi broke the hug and say to her with whole heart smile.

dadi:you don't have to say all this devayani.even me also wish the same.when first time I meet your grand daughter.i just imagine her with my arnav.i just want them marry.but I drop them idea thinking about our status

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