Chapter 1

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My name is Hadley Hale, I have two brothers. I don't talk to Jacob Hale but I sometimes talk to David. He's deputy at the Charming Police Station. David seems to be very protective over me. I am a bartender and even though David hates it, I ride a Harley. I am applying for a job at the sons clubhouse even though I know it's going to be difficult to get. They won't trust me at first, but I know I can prove myself. I'm good at my job.

I rode into the parking lot for Teller-Morrow, I knew the president of the Sons of Anarchy along with the VP would be interviewing me. I parked my bike and got off, taking my helmet off and walked over to the office. A woman in her late forties looked me over and then decided to ask who I was.  "I'm Hadley Hale. I'm interviewing for the bartending position." 

She got up and went over to the garage before calling for Clay and Jax. "Hadley Hale is here." When she turned, she narrowed her eyes at me. "A Hale isn't likely to get hired here." 

I rolled my eyes, "I don't talk to Jacob. David is an over protective oaf who doesn't know when to shut up." The anger bubbled inside of me at the mention of my family.

"Woah, darlin' we're not trying to make you angry." A man with blond hair stepped out of the garage as he said that. 

"Well I'd prefer I'm not compared to those idiots. Just because Hale is my last name doesn't mean shit." I crossed my arms.

"Well it's starting out well." An older guy with gray hair stated. "I'm Clay and this is Jax."

"Hadley." I said nonchalantly. 

"What made you want this position?" Jax questioned. 

"I'm a bartender, the bar I worked at has an owner who like to forcefully fuck his employees and I cut his dick off. Then he fired me." I shrugged. 

"Damn." Clay responded. "I suppose that's a good reason to need a new job." 

"Look, I'm good at my job. I don't take shit and I don't get into shit I shouldn't. I mean other than cutting off that guys.. ahem.. anyways." I shifted on my feet and then began to look around. 

"My big issue is David is deputy and you're his sister. We're a motorcycle club." Jax was vague but I could see where this was going.

"Look, to be completely honest, I don't give a shit what you do. It's none of my business and douchebag isn't getting anything from me. I'd rather skin myself alive then tell him anything. You can have me sign a contract if you want." I was clear and they both looked at each other. They nodded at each other in approval. 

"I think we can trust you to be a bartender. We'll also train you further in 3 months just in case certain situations arise." Jax said and I nodded. 

"What are the hours like?" I asked softly.

"They'll most likely be from 6p.m. to 3 a.m." I nodded.

"Do you guys care what I wear?" I was hoping they didn't so I could stick to my band t-shirts and skinny jeans. 

"No. Wear whatever you want." Clay chuckled. "Why?" 

"Last one was basically lingerie. I like my jeans and t-shirts." I said. 

"When can you start?" Clay asked. 

"Anytime." I said, giving them a smile.

"Sweet. You start tonight. 16 an hour for dealing with crow eaters and hang arounds." Clay said which was pretty good.

"Awesome, cash?" They both nodded and I was fine with that. "Sick, I'll be back for six then! See y'all later!" I walked back to my bike and got on before riding home. 

I lived in my own apartment. I went inside and watched TV for a bit and then made myself dinner before getting ready for work. I wore a black pair of ripped skinny jeans with a black belt and a Motionless In White band tee. I slipped on a pair of black and white checkered vans. I put on a leather jacket before going outside to my bike. I headed off to work quickly, I wanted to get there a bit early to figure out where things were and to meet the others. 

I made it to work with 15 minutes to spare and happily waved to Jax and Clay who were sitting at the picnic tables with a few other guys who were part of the club. Jax and Clay gave me a small wave and when I got over to them, they said hello. 

"Hey!" I said with a grin. 

"You hired the Hale?" A man with a mohawk questioned. 

"Yep. We'll have no issues with her." Clay said before continuing. "This is Juice, Bobby, Opie, and Chibs. Happy, Piney, Half-sack, and Tig are inside. 

"Hadley, it's nice to meet all of you." I gave them a smile. 

"Hales sister?" I believe Chibs questioned. 

"I don't like calling them my brothers but yes." I said, rolling my eyes. 

"Fair enough, I wouldn't either." Opie said chuckling. 

"Anyways, I wanted to get a feel for the place before I started, so if you don't mind, I'll get to work." They all nodded but Juice led me inside per Jax's request. 

"Show her around, show her where everything is." Juice nodded and led me inside. He took me to the bar first and showed me where everything was. Then he showed me to the back room and storage where all the extra beer and alcohol was kept. By the time I was done, it was time for my shift to start so I just went behind the bar. Any time no one wanted drinks, I was cleaning in behind the bar and stocking stuff just to keep busy.

I knew the club didn't get charged money or anyone that was family so as family came in, I just made sure that I was introduced so I knew who to sell to and who to keep it free. Gemma seemed to be watching me like a hawk, which seemed fine at first. I saw Jax talking to Opie. Donna, Opie's wife was really sweet. She didn't seem happy with the club but nevertheless, she was really polite to me. Jax and Opie came over with Donna on their tails.

"How are you feeling?" Jax asked.

"Good, so far. Everyone is nice here." I said smiling.

"Where do you live?" Donna asked.

"I live on amber street." I said as I dried a glass and put it away.

"Wow, you're smack dab in the middle of Jax and I." Opie said with a smile.

"Oh that's really cool!" I said with a goofy smile.

"Are you in an apartment building?" Jax questioned.

I nodded before saying, "with my last job it was all I could afford. Once I get money saved up, I should be able to buy a house with this one." I began to grin happily.

"Well glad we can help you out darlin'." Jax said softly. After that they all went back to whatever it was that they were doing before they came to talk to me. A guy came up and asked for a drink, which I quickly grabbed for him and he left me a pretty good tip. Though the rest of the night, he was making eyes at me. I wasn't a fan of it at all. Though I never got the chance to tell him to fuck off.

Clay came by later and told me I could have a few drinks if I wanted to, on the house, but obviously not get too wasted. I wouldn't because I wasn't a big drinker but I'd have a few.

9 hour shifts were long but I knew the money would be worth it so I just kept going. The bar was always stocked and everything was clean.

After the first night, I was familiar with everyone. It was nice to be invited into such a great group of people. I knew David would have a fit but I would cross that bridge when we got there. He's not my father and he can't tell me what to do especially because I'm a 24 year old girl.

Jax and Opie by far were the nicest in the club other than Chibs who seemed to take a liking to me. Everyone else didn't seem to fully trust me yet which was fine. I knew it would take longer than one night for everyone to trust me and like me. Either way, I was happy and grateful to be working at the clubhouse for the club.

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