Do What You Want

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                            <—————————>Getting off of my horse I silently put it back into its stable and gave it a few pats before walking into the HQ

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Getting off of my horse I silently put it back into its stable and gave it a few pats before walking into the HQ

I pressed my hand into my cloak trying to avoid leaving trails of blood "Good thing it wasn't on the hand that has the string." I mumbled

Everyone else came in after me all heading towards the shower, mess hall, or their rooms

I walked to my room that I share with the other cadets, while walking I decided to try and heal my wound

Placing my good hand on top of my wounded hand I slowly healed the deep wounds and proceeded to open the door

Walking to the very back of the room to my bunked bed that I used to share with Isabel grabbing bandages I wrapped my hand

I laid on it trying to gather my thoughts Isabel and Furlan are dead... I told myself

I felt a tear roll down my eye but I didn't sob I just laid there thinking and thinking of what to do now

Then the door opened and in came Hanji "hey..." They said closing the door and walking to their bed

I got up and looked through my clothes I'm already not feeling okay this uniform is tight and complicated

I decided to change into something more comfortable, a oversized plain grey shirt, and black pants

I laid back down "Hey Hanji?" I called out "Yes?" They responded "Do you happen to have any paper and pencil?"

They nodded "Yes I do my good friend Moblit is actually a good artist." They handed me a clip board and paper then a pencil

"Thanks." I began drawing Isabel I don't want to forget them. I thought Hair...styled into pig tails. Big eyes... I remembered every detail of her

After a couple of minutes, I finished the drawing with average results "Its good enough" the drawing didn't have much detail but I could picture her face perfectly

Next was Furlan Hair...Sorta long face and...his eyes. I kept myself quiet but was secretly killing myself with pain

"Isn't it time to go eat?" I asked Hanji after I finished both drawings "Yes! That's correct!" They nodded

I yawned and wiped my face cleaning it off before heading out "Why wear such baggy clothing?" Hanji asked

I shrugged "My body seems to grow in a good way they said." I referred to the boys back when I was 11

"They tried to do it but he stopped them. I've always been over sexualized since I was a kid, so instead of wearing clothes that actually fit me I wear bigger clothes to hid my body because if I don't "I'm asking for it" I had to learn that the hard way"

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