Chapter Nine

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My mother let me skip school with no reprocussions-- she said that, technically, I was doing homework. Emphasis on doing. I blushed a bright red when she said that and prayed to God Josh couldn't hear her through the phone, but I doubted it as his car speakers were blasting some rock band song. To my surprise, though, right as we were pulling up to the restaurant, his speakers suddenly switched to gentle tune. He scowled and shut off the music.

"What was that?" I asked, reaching for the knob to turn the music back on. Josh swatted my hand away.

"Nothing. Come on, let's go," he said. Josh turned off the car and lept out of the Mini Cooper at lightening speed. Before I could even unbuckle my seatbelt, he had opened the side door for me, looking grumpy. I gave him a weird look.

"What?" he asked defensively. When I didn't say anything, he rolled his eyes "Hurry up, Prude."

Yeesh, for a second there I thought he could actually manage to be a gentleman. With a sigh, I undid my seatbelt, grabbed my purse, and slammed the car door shut. Stuffing his hands into his pocket, Josh walked out in front of me, leading me toward the nearby restaurant. After the plague, not a ton of restaurants survived in my town but this one-- owned by the son of what used to be the best cook in town-- still managed to keep swimming, a popular resort for the richest kids in town whose parents had left them loads upon loads of money in their wills. Josh was one of those kids.

"Look, Josh, I can't afford to--" Josh walked over and pressed a finger to my lips. Oh crap. My heart sped up as he removed his finger and smirked that stupid, confident smirk that made me want to equally melt and smack him at the same time.

"Listen here Prude, I'm paying," he said. I grumbled a little at the stupid pet name, but he simply laughed and waltzed toward the door, holding it open this one in that arrogant way. I saw what he was doing. As I walked through the door, I pushed back my shyness and mustered all of my courage to look him in the eyes and say:

"Hey Mr. Player, I'm not so easily played." This statement, however simple, made his beautiful blue eyes widen in both shock and what I suppose was admiration at my ballsy-ness. Trying my best to keep the faux-confidence, I pranced through the door while throwing my long blonde hair behind my shoulder, but unfortunately a stair stood in my way, causing me to trip and fall into the restaurant. Inside, I heard a few of the diners laugh. Great. So much for smooth and confident. Behind me, I heard Josh laughing, but not his mean laugh-- it was a light hearted almost charming laugh, as if he had just watched the cutest cat video in the world. Soon enough, I was being lifted like a rag doll from the ground, making me blush even harder. I tucked my chin into my chest.

"Whatever," I mumbled. Great going, Adira! Why couldn't I just keep my confidence for once? Why was I always so clumsy and stupid?

Josh went foreword and asked for a private table far off the the other people. I breathed a sigh of relief. I hated being laughed at in public, so this private table, no matter how much of a weird situation with Josh of all people, sounded like heaven. The waitor took us to a back room far off from the others but near the kitchen. The blinds were drawn to keep the area permenantly dark and candle light flickered on the table. I rolled my eyes. How cheesy.

After the waitress had left and we were seated (Josh, of course, pulled out the chair for me), Josh drummed his fingers on the table and looked at me exprectantly. I smirked.

"Is this were you take all the girls to get in their pants? I'm not so easy. The only reason I'll ever sleep with you is because it's government mandated," I said blantantly. I was still angry about tripping into the restaurant, as well as not so happy with this stupid romantic act. I wasn't like Josh's other girls. I was going to save myself until marriage-- which, considering I was legally married to Josh now, was still true. Josh reached into his pocket calmly, as if not hearing my snipe.

Forced to have the Player's Kid (Book One of The Great Age Plague Series)Where stories live. Discover now