"Good boy, good boy bunny!" I got out between moans. I came inside him and slowly rid it out. I pulled out and pet his head. He seemed kinda..blissed out?

Back to Zero!

Oh. They felt so good. I want more.. No. I don't. My back already hurts. And my insides feel all warm and sticky.

"Bath please.." I whispered out. Noah started my bath and helped me in. He left and I was left alone. Was I good? Did they like it? Am..am I selfish for liking it? It felt different from the other times. Are they just using me as a pleasure tool? What if I'm here to replace someone? This was a mistake. Big mistake. I scrubbed my body and hair. I made sure to clean everything out from my ass and went out to my bed. Nobody is here.

"Hey siri, play I hate you playlist." Music filled the room and I put my huge soft hoodie on, panties and some baggy sweats. I went into the bathroom and checked under my sink for my blades. What- why aren't they here? Where did they go? Only Ez has been in here.. I closed the bathroom door and locked the door. Why did he take them?

"That fucker." I stormed out of my room and went to Luces office.

"Where is Ez?" I smiled very sweetly." I think he has something of mine."

"He's..taking care of something." I swear to God.

"When he's done tell him to come to my room." Luce nodded and I went to my bed. Throwing everything off the bed, I screamed. I kept screaming till hands were all over me. I bit down on all their hands and ran out to the door. They all were behind me, staring. I opened the door and stepped outside.

"I hate you." And with that, I ran down the street until I saw a car. I flagged it down and they stopped.

"Hey! Where are you heading?" They rolled down their window and smiled. It was a middle aged women with a kid in the back.

"I'm heading to the airport sweety. Do you need a ride?" I frantically shook my head yes.

"Yes please ma'am. If you don't mind." She smiled and unlocked the car. I jumped in and off we went.

"So, where are you going?" Ah yeah, where am I going? I did see a coffee shop near the airport last time..

"There's a cool looking coffee shop near the airport but I've already walked for so long. What about you?"

"Oh! Cool. Me and Josh here are heading to his father's house. I was down here visiting my parents."

"That's awesome!" She beamed and I smiled. It was silent the rest of the way to the airport. Kinda weird. Why did I leave again? Oh, yeah. Bad thoughts. I'm gonna be in so much trouble. Soon, we were on our own ways. The coffee shop seems nice. But, there is a cool forest beside it. I'm going to the forest. I don't have any money anyways.

I started singing and walking through the woods till I came up to a big house. Nope. I walked back the way I came and saw it was really dark out. Making my way to the coffee shop, I tried to remember Luces number. Oh! I remember. Now, time to ask to borrow a phone. I walked in and the waiter looked at me. Weird.

"Sorry to bother you, but do you have a phone I could borrow?" The guy smiled and I stared blankly through him.

"Of course! You can borrow mine." He handed me a phone and I dialed Luces number.

"Hello, this is Mr Lucan, how can I help you?" Oh. Oh. This is Zacks number.

"Hey Zack, I need a ride back to the house. I'm at the coffee shop near the airport. Please don't tell Luce."

"They're all looking for you kid. They even called me. I'm on my way."

"Thank you." He hung up on me! So rude. I handed the boy back his phone and smiled.


"No problemo dude." I walked in more and sat at a table. After about 20 minutes, I heard the bell jingle. Turning around, I saw Zack. Finally.

"Come on Zero." I waved by to the guy and chased after Zack. He has long legs. We made it to his car and I got in.

"Thanks Zack." He just nodded and drove off.

"So, why'd you leave?" Uhh.

"Next question." I looked out the window.

"Answer my question. Now." Oh god.

"I don't have to. Luce probably told you already anyways." He sighed and pulled the car over. Tensing, I waiting for him to hit me. I felt arms wrap around me and I gasped. Why is he hugging me?

"He said you told them that you hated them and then you left."

"That's what happened." He started playing with my hair.

"But why did you leave?" Nope. I shut down. No thoughts. Head empty. I covered my ears and pulled my knees up to my chest.

Time skip!

I felt someone touch me and broke out of my trance. Who? What? Oh. We're here.

"Thanks Zack. Bye." I started walking up the stairs and opened the door. I should make this funny.

"I LIVED BITCH!" I quickly ran to the hole zack found me in and heard everyone scrambling, trying to look for me. It was silent for awhile then I felt something on my head. They yanked me up by my hair and I bit my tongue. I felt blood filling my mouth and looked around. Oh. It's Zack. I let the blood dribble down my chin and smiled.

"Why did you hide?" He put me down but held onto my arm. I spit some blood at him and laughed. He pulled me out and into the living room. Everyone was waiting there.

"Sup fuckers?" I laughed and spit out more blood. They all seemed angry. Well, guess they don't know the vine.

"Can you let me go now? They all see me." He smacked the back of my head, hard might I add, before he left. I smiled and waved before spitting out more blood.

"Hey, how y'all doing?" I laughed and then fell down. "Whew, I had to walk such a long time. It was nice tho. How was you guys day? It was nice out so I'm guessing it was go-"

"Shut up. Just shut up. Jamie, go grab the first aid kit. Open your mouth Zero." I smiled and opened my mouth, sticking my tongue out. Blood dripped down onto the floor. He fixed me up and made me keep the cloth on my tongue.

"Why did you leave?" Oh here we go again.

"Why did Ez take something of mine?" Haha, they didn't see that coming.

"What do you mean? I didn't take anything." I smiled. He was wearing a hoodie when he usually wears tank tops.

"Take off your hoodie then." They all looked between me and Ez.

"What does that have to do with what you're accusing me of?"

"Dude. I know you took my blades. Give them back so I can throw them out." And by throw them out I mean stash really good.

"I didn't take them? I didn't even know you had them." I smirked and swiftly pulled his hoodie off. On his arms were small, shallow cuts.

"What's this then?" They all crowded Ez and I walked up to his room. Looking around, I saw them under his bed. I took them back and went to my room. Fuck everyone here. Taking my shit. I hid the blades in my old stuffed animal and cuddled up under my covers.

Mr. Lucans House For Disturbed BoysWhere stories live. Discover now