Part-3 A galaxy far far away

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My friend kept nagging me about writing more I even got her to start watching mcyt because she's invested

Hope you guys like it I think it's pretty good

    Khloe opens the door slowly but i can't even begin to process what she just said. Wait wait wait she said clay right like dreams real name. if I'm right that means, it can't be, my best friend is drista the Alfa male.

                         (Back to reality)

    The door opens and I see a tall blond man standing there, he's got to be at least a foot taller than me.

"Hey dickhead, oh and you must be liv hello." He waved at me but I just stood there, I'm trying to figure out if it's actually dream. "Hey" I'm so awkward.

Next thing I know there are three more boys behind him. And this is when I realize "WAIT your Tommy and tubbo and gorge and Wilbur" they all laugh and nod," so that means that you must me dream?!" At this point the boys have burst out laughing at you.

"Khloe what the actual fuck, why didn't you tell me you were dreams sister, DRISTA" she starts laughing too. "Surprise" she says all exited. I run to hug her, this is gonna be the best vacation ever.

Someone els runs up to us and before I can figure out who it is khloe hugs her,"Lani im so glad your hear!" I'm in shock but lani just comes up and hugs me too," hi I'm Lani the best member of the dream smp." Khloe takes a stand," no way I'm better, Liv who's better?" I'm so overwhelmed I can't believe what's happening,"hello earth to liv." Khloe says waving her hand in front of my face."um sorry but lani is definitely better." Khloe hits me,"you were supposed to say me because were best friends!" And out of no we're lani links arms with me,"we're best friends now." We all start laughing.

Once the boys calm down we help them bring there bags in am I hear dream yell " Khloe I swear I told you not to take the bunk beds me and gorge wanted them!!!" And to my surprise khloe yells," don't worry I left you the master bedroom so you guys can cuddle!!!" I start laughing so hard I almost pee myself, I can't believe that this is all real it feels like it's straight out of a fan fiction.

( a few hours latter)

"Khloe a little heads up would have bean nice I didn't bring any good clothes." She stares at me for a second," your right your cloths suck" I laugh," I'm serious I only brought T-shirts' and leggings" she tosses a bag at me,"I got you, hears some of my clothes I brought extra." Even though she's younger than me we are still the same size.

I quickly change into a sage crop top and some light gray jeans. I also fix my hair and put on whatever makeup I can find. Finally we walk downstairs and I don't look like a compleat disaster.

Willbur, Lani, tubbo, and Tommy are all on the couch. Wilbur turns to you," thank god your hear dream and gorge just left and I cant handle thies three." Is he talking to me," you know I'm only a few months older than tubbo right?!" He buries his face in his hands. Khloe buts in," don't worry she's pretty responsible, but she's not aloud to use fire!" Khloe really went there, wow, "it was one time no actual it was like six times." Tommy starts laughing," what do you mean six times?" Great now there gonna think I'm crazy," well I lit my finger on fire twice lighting candles, lit a blanket on fire when I threw a match, lit a tent on fire when I through a burning stick, lit a flower on fire with a birthday candle,and once I fell into a fire pit!" Tommy laughs but tubbo looks concerned," no fire got it." Wilbur agrees also looking concerned.

Gorge and dream come back with pizza in hand, "yay" we all yell. We quickly eats the pizza as we make a plan for the night. Dream leads most of the planing," I was thinking we head to Disney, but what park?" Me and tubbo answer at the same time, I don't hesitate,"Hollywood studios!" But tubbo says," animal kingdom!" That boy better not get his way I want to go to galaxies edge. Dream finally breaks the silence," we will vote raise your hand for Hollywood studios." I raise my hand obviously, and I see that Lani raised her hand along with Tommy and gorge. Dream announces," ok and who wants animal kingdom." I stare at khloe as she raises her hand along with tubbo dream and gorge. Wait how did we tie if there's and odd number of us,"gorge you can't pick both." He's about to answer but dream interrupts,"we can split up it's fine gorge why don't you come with us." Gorge nods. I'm so glad I get to go to galaxies edge with Tommy and Lani this is gonna be great.

We all go and get ready. I put on a star wars T-shirt and grab my lightsaber, I can't let Khloe see it if she will yell at me.

We take two cars and I decide it's best that I drive, after all Tommy's the only other option and I don't trust him." Hey Woman what's in the bag?" Did he seriously call me woman," if you must know it's my lightsaber I figure we could stop by galaxies edge." He nods, Lani on the other hand is ecstatic," I'm so exited I have never gone to Disney,plus no tubbo!"I giggle.

Once we get there I lead the group around and we go on some of the rides. At about 10 I get a text from a unknown number,'hey it's tubbo we are done and animal kingdom, you and Tommy can stay at Hollywood studios but I'm gonna pick up Lani' I reply to tubbo' sounds good I'll take her to the gates.'

"Tommy we can stay if you want but tubbo is gonna pick up lani." Lani frowns but doesn't say anything, I hope Tommy will stay with me," um ya sure." I do a little dance inside Tommy has always bean my favorite on the dream smp and he's supper cute.

Tubbo picks up Lani leaving me and Tommy alone. " so do you mind if we go over to galaxies edge?" I smile nervously," sure maybe we can meet Chewbacca I bet I'm taller than him!" He's so cocky I love it," there is no way your taller." Then out of no where he picks me up and puts me on his shoulders, I know I'm small but he's still got to be pretty strong to have picked my up like that," now I'm definitely taller!!" I giggle.

We go to meet Chewbacca and the line is supper short,"hi chewy, my friend thinks he's taller than you!" Tommy become shy all a sudden," um ya I guess I'm not." We take our picture with chewy, wow Tommy is tall, I look so small in this picture.

We walk around for a bit and talk, at about 1 we decided to drive home. He grabs my keys,"my turn to drive!" He yells, " no way your from Britain they drive on the other side of the road dumass." He laughs and slides in to the car next to me.

I haven't had this much fun in a long time.

We arrive home and everyone is asleep, Tommy whispers," I don't want to wake tubbo or Khloe want to sleep in the extra room instead?" The extra room only has one bed granted it's big but still," Um ok but I don't have pjs." It's dark but I can see him turn red a little," take my hoodie I'll sleep in my shorts" I take the hoodie nervously, I'm about to sleep in the same bed as a shirtless Tommy.

We both lay down and I start to turn bright red as he scoots closer to me, I feel his arm rap around me," Tommy what are you doing," I can feel his head race a little,"I'm cold I gave you my hoodie." I relax a bit gald that he didn't move his arm, I fall asleep pretty fast with him next to me.

This chapter was really long but I couldn't stop writing hope you guys like the little bit of romance, if your anything like me I can't wait for the romance to start so I jumped right into it

Please comment ideas for the next chapter and vote it's greatly appreciated

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